Cops probe drug link in Swakop murder

Home National Cops probe drug link in Swakop murder
Cops probe drug link in Swakop murder

SWAKOPMUND – Police in the Erongo region are investigating a potential drug link around the circumstances leading to the fatal shooting of a Dutch national at Swakopmund on Monday afternoon. 

The 53-year-old Roland Antonius Masoljin was shot in front of his rented home in Ocean View.  

Masoljin lived with his long-time girlfriend, who had a firearm registered in her name. 

The suspected gunman fled the scene. 

The licence of the firearm was one of the pieces of evidence police collected on Monday along with an undetermined amount of cocaine and a cash amount of N$2 050. 

At least 120 boxes containing 9mm live rounds were found in the couple’s home; however, no firearm was found. 

Sources yesterday told New Era the weapon was allegedly surrendered to a local auction house in February by the couple.

 A source close to the investigation said they are looking at all possibilities, including premeditated murder and a possible drug transaction gone wrong. 

Yesterday, bloodstains could still be observed on the outside walls of the house of the victim. 

Water used to clean up the blood was still flowing in the usually quiet street when four investigators arrived to continue their investigation at the electrical fenced house at the corner of Papawer and Acacia streets. 

However, the police yesterday told journalists current evidence with regard to the suspect is inconclusive, but that they are pursuing the matter with confidence.

 According to Inspector Ileni Shapumba, the shooting occurred around 16h00. 

Masoljin allegedly called his girlfriend, who was at home, to open the small gate of their home. 

“The deceased then parked the car along the side wall, took a hose pipe and connected it to the tap to wash the car. After a few minutes, the girlfriend, who was still inside, heard a strange sound from outside. About 10 to 15 minutes later, an unknown man knocked at the door to alert her about a dead person outside the house in a pool of blood,” Shapumba said. 

He said police observed the victim was first shot in the right buttock. 

The bullet got stuck in the right lower part of his waist.  

The second bullet, according to the police, struck him on the left lower part of the eye and exited through the backside of his head. 

“As for now, we are appealing to the community and any possible witness to come forward and help the police in their investigation. They can contact detective chief inspector Johannes Mwatongwe 0812461121 or detective chief inspector Kandali Uushona 0818114770, or report any information to the nearest police station,” Shapumba appealed.