Paheja Siririka
Young Namibian entrepreneurs are invited to apply for a fully-funded innovative business boot camp slated for 12-17 September 2021 in Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa.Made possible by the Patience Masua Foundation Africa (PMF Africa), in partnership with The Village Entrepreneurship Africa, the boot camp targets Namibian entrepreneurs (35 years and younger) with businesses in their ideation stage, or existing businesses which will transform the African economy through harnessing technology and innovation.
The due date for applications is this Friday, 27 August 2021. “We seek young enthusiastic entrepreneurs or potential entrepreneurs who will utilise all the resources that this highly sought-after programme will provide. We want to recognise with them the power of entrepreneurship to transform the African economy,” stated Masua, Namibia’s youngest parliamentarian.
She explained that 20 young deserving Namibians will take part in the first cohort of this fully-funded programme in September 2021, and a further 20 in February 2022.
“We are enthusiastic that we will be able to take more cohorts in future, but we are taking it one goal at a time.” The Village Africa Entrepreneurship South Africa is the concept partner, while PMF Africa is the facilitation and co-implementation partner for this high-level programme for young Namibian entrepreneurs.
The Village Africa Entrepreneurship entity has hosted this flagship programme for young people in South Africa, Eswatini, Botswana and Ghana, among others. Namibia is the latest country to be part of this programme.
PMF Africa was established this year with the mission to empower young Namibians in the areas of education, entrepreneurial development, capacity-building and research.
“The foundation will complement the legislative and parliamentary agenda, pragmatically, through programme implementation in line with the targets outlined in the Harambee Prosperity Plan II.”
The boot camp is a week-long and highly-regarded programme that seeks to upskill, empower and provide possible start-up opportunities to aspiring entrepreneurs. The programme recognises the importance of exposure to resources financially, but also through the introduction of entrepreneurs to potential partners who would expedite the development of their ideas.
Masua said all participants will have unrestricted access to technical advisors for business mentorship and capacity-building to successfully implement or expand their initiatives. The programme is highly competitive, and boasts alumni from more than three African countries.
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