
Prioritise reopening of Rundu abattoir – Kerfu

Home Front Page News Prioritise reopening of Rundu abattoir – Kerfu

Rundu – The Kavango East Regional Farmers Union (Kerfu) has made an impassionate plea to the incoming Meatco CEO Mushokabanji Mwilima to consider the reopening of the Rundu abattoir. 

The abattoir has been under construction since 2014, but its opening has been delayed because of financial constraints on the part of the ministry of agriculture. It was supposed to be fully completed by January 2017.
 Once operational, the facility will serve as a market for livestock, mainly cattle farmers in Kavango East and those from outside with access to the abattoir. “Kerfu recognises and appreciates the extensive experience and leadership which Mr Mwilima demonstrated as the executive director of the Namibia National Farmers Union (NNFU). 

The union has no doubt that with his versatility of experience and leadership – both nationally and abroad – he is poised to provide exemplary leadership,” said Kerfu chairperson Adolf Muremi. Mwilima was last week confirmed as the new Meatco CEO and will take over from Vekuii Rukoro who parted with the corporation in 2017. 

During his time at NNFU, Mwilima promoted for markets for all farmers in Namibia and was vocal in calling upon domestic institutions tasked with the creation of markets for agricultural products to create space for locally produced agricultural products. He was a proponent of local value addition and the Growth at Home strategy. 

“It is in the same vein that Kerfu is calling upon the new CEO for Meatco to make the opening of Rundu abattoir as one of his priority, since it is in line with Livestock Sector Transformation Strategy,” added Muremi. 
“It is with this understanding that Kerfu is calling upon the entire farming community, agricultural organisations, stakeholders in the agricultural sector to support him in his new role as the head of Namibia’s flagship meat processor and exporter. Kerfu leadership and entire farming community in Kavango East Region stand ready to support him.” 

According to Muremi, Mwilima brings with him a wealth of experience and leaderships skills after overseeing the transformation of NNFU into a vibrant and recognised agricultural organisation regionally and internationally.