RDP manifesto to narrow inequality gap

RDP manifesto to narrow inequality gap

Auleria Wakudumo 

The Rally for Democratic and Progress (RDP) officially launched its manifesto for the 2024 National and Presidential Elections in Ongwediva on Saturday. 

The event was originally set for Okandjengedi but was moved to Ongwediva at the last minute due to strong winds. 

At the manifesto launch, party president Mike Kavekotora expressed disappointment in Namibians for giving Swapo power over 34 years despite “its failure to deliver”. 

Kavekotora described Namibia as a rich country with a small population, yet, according to him, 70% to 80% of Namibians languish in poverty. 

“You might have observed how the gap between rich and poor is widening. You might have come across Namibians sleeping under bridges, eating from the dust bins and surviving on goat skins,” Kavekotora said. 

He pointed at reports of starvation and hunger, especially from Omaheke and Ohangwena region as well as people dying in hospital queues, delivering of babies on hospital floors, pupils taught under trees on empty stomachs, dilapidated health facilities where mice roam freely and Chinese nationals abusing Namibian citizens. 

“This is the outcome of the power you delegated to Swapo to run the affairs of the state on your behalf,” Kavekotora stressed. 

“We at RDP are strongly convinced that Swapo has lost vision and completely deviated from the true meaning of independence. Swapo no longer represents the needs and aspirations of the Namibian people. They have adopted a wrong culture of self-enrichment and self-gratification,” he added. 

Kavekotora said RDP will seek a constitutional amendment to ensure that land that was stolen during colonial and apartheid period is returned to its rightful owners. 

He said despite the country gaining independence, it is equally true that Namibians never regained the land they fought for. 

“We are currently struck by the persistence of hyper concentration of property where the poorest 60% have almost never had any substantial possessions of land since the beginning of colonialism to date,” Kavekotora said.

He said the country’s economy has never been structured for success nor has economic policies been formulated to benefit Namibians. 

According to the politician, over the years the Swapo administration has preferred making political pronouncement over economic realities. 

“As a consequence, they wasted scarce resources that could have been used productively,” Kavekotora stressed. 

“Swapo wasted money on the construction of houses under the mass-housing project simply because they realised it was election year and they had nothing to show to the public. Swapo bought useless locomotives from China because China assisted them before independence,” Kavekotora said. 

The party indicated that they consider economic growth as the engine of social progress to ensure a better life for every citizen in Namibia. 

“We, therefore, proclaim to manage and utilise the people’s resources in a manner that drives maximum direct and indirect benefits for all Namibians,” Kavekotora explained

The RDP president said the party is seeking power and urged Namibians to give them the power, especially in the legislature and the executive come 27 November 2024. 
