
Retired Nurses to Fill Gaps

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By William J. Mbangula Oshakati Retired nurses may be recalled and those about to retire may be allowed to continue working in order to help address the acute shortage of nursing staff in the country. This was announced by the Minister of Health and Social Welfare Dr Richard Kamwi when he inaugurated the Omboloka Clinic in Ohangwena region last Wednesday. “A principal decision has been taken by my ministry to approach the Public Service Commission, the Office of the Prime Minister and even the office of the President to allow retired nurses and those about to retire to be recalled and allow them to continue working on an annual contractual basis.” Kamwi said such personnel would help share their wealth of experience with junior nurses and also help to enforce discipline at the workplace. This will serve as a temporary measure while student nurses under training qualify. Kamwi assured those studying that they are not being replaced but rather being complemented, because there is a critical shortage of nursing staff in the country. On the new clinic at Omboloka, the minister noted that its construction is an indication that the government is making health services available and accessible to the Namibian people. “As you may be aware, the government does not have enough resources to meet all the demands but Omboloka was taken as a priority number one among six other places. At this specific clinic being inaugurated, the community will receive primary health care in the form of preventive, curative and counselling services.” The Omboloka clinic is located in Okongo constituency with a population of 25 270, which is served by one district hospital, four clinics and 45 outreach points. The minister also opened another clinic at Okaku in Oshana region on Thursday, July 6.