
Rössing Virtual Marathon set for tomorrow

Home National Rössing Virtual Marathon set for tomorrow
Rössing Virtual Marathon set for tomorrow

For the second year in a row, the popular Rössing Marathon will again be held virtually this year, and will see local and international participants going toe-to-toe from their respective localities.

Rössing Uranium, as the organiser and headline sponsor of the prestigious marathon, said following a successful virtual edition of the race in June last year, they have again decided to host the event virtually tomorrow.

“We have been closely following the Covid-19 pandemic patterns, and have decided again to host the event virtually for the safety of the runners. 

At Rössing, we do not compromise on safety, and with that in mind, the safety of our runners is important. Rössing Uranium is committed to continuing with the popular event, as it forms part of the mine’s social investment activities,” said the organisers.

For this year, the mine has announced that it has increased the annual marathon prize money, and will now see winners taking home N$20 000, in addition to the usual N$20 000 development bonus.

The organisers explained that the increment is to help the participants in these challenging times, as they will be competing in isolation and away from many needed amenities.

“A virtual marathon is challenging because runners are all on their own, with no water points, no road marshals and running on different road terrains. Following our first virtual marathon in 2021, we recognised the effort that goes into running a virtual marathon. For that reason, we want to reward our runners for the hard work. As a responsible corporate company, we saw it best that we increase the prize money in all categories”, they added.

– ohembapu@nepc.com.na