
Sadc should focus more on disaster preparedness

Home National Sadc should focus more on disaster preparedness

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WINDHOEK – Sadc should focus more on activities that will make the difference in the lives of the people other than dwelling too much on research, theories and academic debates, a regional Sadc workshop heard on Monday.

During a speech at the opening of the three-day Southern African Development Community (Sadc) Regional Disaster Preparedness Planning, acting Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Office of the Prime Minister, I-Ben Nashandi told participants that if the predicated El Nino will occur, then it is known for sure that some countries in the region will be faced with either drought or floods.

Thus, he said, participant’s efforts for the coming three days should be geared towards addressing such problems.
“The outcome of this workshop should provide Sadc and its Member States opportunities to make correct decisions in whatever hard occur as a result of the predicted El Nino,” he said, adding that Sadc joint planning is important in coming up with regional approach to disasters. 

“I applaud the spirit of togetherness that shapes our work as a region. The challenges that we face in the region, require us to work together as countries, and with our partners,” he added.

The PS says Sadc, as region needs to plan and act together on issues of common interest including DRR. 
However, he said, Sadc countries should not allow its gained success to be carried away by negative issues such as disasters.

This training workshop brought together Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) experts from different institutions in the Sadc region and beyond in order to address the Review National and regional disaster contingency plans for the 2018/19 season with specific focus to implications of the potential impacts of El Nino and management of key outbreaks.

The workshop will also develop an initial coordination and response monitoring mechanism for tracking seasonal developments, facilitate sharing of tools, experiences, challenges, best practices and lesson learnt related to disaster preparedness planning in the Sadc region.

Furthermore, the workshop will also conduct regional technical validation of key strategic DRR documents under development in support of the Sadc Regional DRR programme.