Shapumba provides his building to serve as  call centre

Home National Shapumba provides his building to serve as  call centre

Victoria Kaapanda

ONGWEDIVA – North-based businessman Erastus “Chicco” Shapumba has temporarily availed his modern Ongwediva house, erf 3508, of ten bedrooms as a call centre for Covid-19 case management purposes in response to government appeal for businesses to come on board.

The house will not be used to accommodate patients who need to be quarantined but strictly for the management of patients.

He also forked out N$100 000 to be used by all 14 regions in addition to him availing two trucks to be used to transfer material needed in the fight against the pandemic.

On top of that, he availed land at various places: Helao Nafidi, near Hosea Kutako International Airport in Windhoek, another at Omuthiya near the state hospital and in Ondangwa near Nored.
“I’m giving the plots to assist where it’s needed, I’m not deciding for what purposes the plots will be used for. I’m very disappointed; I expected more businessmen and women in this region to donate the little they have,” expressed Chicco.

He said a country without business people is like a country without soldiers to fight during war, and that this is the time business people are supposed to assist the government and meet it halfway.
Health regional director in Oshana Johanna Haimene said the Ongwediva Town Council has also availed the trade fair centre’s main hall to be used as a temporary hospital for the Covid-19.

Oshana governor Elia Irimari said Ongwediva Medipark and Ondangwa private hospital have dedicated 60 medical specialists and nurses towards Oshana Covid-19 preparedness and Medipark again assisted with 19 ventilators.

“Oshakati guest house and Ongwediva rural development centre have been considered to accommodate staff who will be working at the Covid-19 temporary hospital so that the medical personnel cannot expose their family,” he said.
Ondangwa trade fair centre and youth centre are also considered as alternatives for temporary Covid-19 hospitals.
Afrika Stadt Haus Hotel also availed 30 rooms for patient management.