
Shifeta: Not in my DNA to discredit comrades

Home National Shifeta: Not in my DNA to discredit comrades
Shifeta: Not in my DNA to discredit comrades

Swapo vice president (VP) candidate Pohamba Shifeta has said it is not in his nature to entertain campaign attacks by using slander, slurs and false statements against his opponents.

During a wide-ranging telephonic interview with New Era yesterday, the environment minister said he hates negative campaigning and called for mutual respect. 

Swapo Party Elders’ Council secretary Mukwaita Shanyengana recently asked campaign managers to ensure the succession battle is conducted in a manner that promotes the unity of purpose and harmony.  He reminded the campaign managers, supporters and sympathisers there are rules guiding all aspiring candidates for the top-four positions in the party. 

This, he said, will avoid the creation of groupings or divisions.  Shifeta said: “It is not in my genes or DNA to discredit my fellow contestants throughout my leadership. I have never done it and will never do it. We need each other at the party and the national level. I hate it. In politics, there are no permanent enemies. There are no permanent friends in politics. You will need a person tomorrow that today you think is your opponent. A person you think is your friend today will be your enemy tomorrow.

“I have people I am working with at regional and national levels. We have to be friendly to people. We don’t want to offend anyone. We have to be friendly to people. We see on social media that people are discrediting others with fake news and labelling other people. I don’t want anyone doing that. We have to respect one another,” Shifeta pleaded. 

Incumbent Swapo vice president Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah will defend her position against Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila and Shifeta at the party’s congress in November.

During the launch of the 2022 ruling party internal campaign last month, Swapo president Hage Geingob made it clear that candidates should not campaign against adversaries but convince delegates why they are the most suitable candidates to lead the party. Geingob also used the platform to caution candidates to refrain from attacking one another during their campaigns. 

Not long after Geingob’s caution, what seem like attempts to derail her campaign already started labelling Nandi-Ndaitwah as a Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) founding member.

Candidates vying for the Swapo VP, secretary general (SG) and deputy SG positions have been descending to different regions to seek support. 

Oshikoto coordinator Armas Amukwiyu is challenging incumbent Sophia Shaningwa for the SG post, while Lucia Witbooi, Evelyn !Nawases-Taeyele, Uahekua Herunga and David Hamutenya are contesting for the deputy SG post. 

– anakale@nepc.com.na