
State wants maximum sentence for girlfriend killer

Home National State wants maximum sentence for girlfriend killer
State wants maximum sentence for girlfriend killer

Roland Routh

State advocate Taedago Gaweseb yesterday asked Windhoek High Court Judge Naomi Shivute to sentence a Rehoboth resident accused of killing his 18-year-old pregnant girlfriend to the maximum sentence allowed under the law.

Deon Boois (31) was convicted by Judge Shivute on a charge of murder with direct intent, read with the provisions of the Combating of Domestic Violence Act. She found there is no doubt that it was him who murdered his girlfriend, Barbara Ganses, who was 15 to 16 weeks pregnant with his twin sons on 9 December 2012.

Boois pleaded not guilty to the charge and claimed that he was not at home when the deceased was stabbed at least 12 times with a knife, causing her to die on the scene from her injuries. He claimed that he found her on the floor of the room they shared at his mother’s house when he returned from visiting a friend. She died from a fatal stab wound in the heart. 

Gaweseb told the judge that Boois is a danger to society who must be removed for the protection of society. She said that he maintained his innocence throughout the trial in spite of the overwhelming evidence against him and did not once express remorse for his actions. He further argued that the murder in itself was brutal and callous as he stabbed her knowing that she was pregnant with his twins. 

According to him, society expects the courts to come to their rescue and that it is the duty of the courts to protect society against evil doers like the accused and like-minded persons. He asked the judge to impose a life sentence on Boois.

Joseph Andreas, who is representing Boois on instructions of Legal Aid, asked the court to show mercy on his client. He said that Boois was a very young man at the age of 21 when he committed the deed he was convicted of. According to Andreas, a sentence of 20 years will allow Boois to be rehabilitated and join society as a productive member upon his release. He said that a sentence that will break Boois is not in the interest of society or in the interest of justice.

Judge Shivute said she will deliver her sentence on 20 October and Boois remains in custody. 

– rrouth@nepc.com.na