
Strategic farming under microscope

Home Agriculture Strategic farming under microscope
Strategic farming under microscope

Farmers from all walks of life are expected to converge on the Agra Ring in Windhoek in two weeks for the much-anticipated strategic farming seminar. 

The event, hosted by Simpli Business Advisory consulting firm, will bring together some of the prominent names in the sector to dissect various issues pertaining to the growth of farming and the agriculture sector in general.

Mekupi Kambatuku of Simpli Business Advisory told AgriToday that the half-day event, to be staged on 15 October 2022, was necessitated by the need to have a more structural approach to farming in the quest to drive it from a mere hobby to a formidable agribusiness that could stand the test of time.

The Strategic Farming Seminar, Kambatuku said, will be centred on the theme ‘Re-imagining the Paradigm Shift in Agriculture and Farming for Profit’. 

She said this is based on the fact that agriculture is an essential sector, as it contributes to the national GDP and employment. 

“Agribusiness is fundamental for economic development, the eradication of poverty and in line with achieving the national Vision 2030 and the Harambee plan. There is a global concern for food security, which necessitates collaborative efforts and more investments in agriculture, especially in youth and women,” she said.

Kambatuku, who is passionate about agribusiness financing and counting, amongst other aspects of farming enterprises, said more engagement at a community level to exchange information, learn about the current trends, get insights from industry experts and transform the way most people perceive farming and agriculture is needed for maximum effect.

“As they say, ‘let’s make agriculture fashionable again’ and network. More importantly, there is a need to encourage the youth and millennials to get more involved in farming and encourage and educate them on how to farm for profit and run successful agribusinesses. 

“Most of us still farm as a hobby inherited from the generations before us – and some of us are simply livestock keepers, farming the traditional way – not understanding the real value of farming,” she noted.

The event will feature prominent names in the agriculture sector, such as economist Salomo Hei, who will speak on the looming recession and its impact on agribusinesses – and farmers Baby Kaurivi-Katunahange, who will focus on the importance of animal health and the financial implications of not testing bulls and cows. 

Johan Rieckert of the nationally acclaimed Roots farming initiative in southern Namibia will herald the event as its main speaker. 

His address will focus on farming for profit, and the significant aspects of agribusinesses.

Kambatuku, herself, will also give a presentation at the event on farming finances and how to control such.

“There are many questions to consider in farming. For instance, how do we take farming more seriously than any other business with a strategic framework in place to ensure its success, and ensure farmers understand and know the value of their farming operations on the financial statements (balance sheet)? 

“This will be an interactive session that will prompt farmers to take a deeper holistic analysis of their farming activities, especially the youth and women,” she said.

The Strategic Farming Seminar is open to all women and youth farmers – either full-time or part-time farmers, emerging farmers and anyone interested in farming.

“Amazingly, I have been receiving calls from parents who like to send their children to ensure they are prepared to take over the family farming business. Overall, there has been amazing feedback from the community at large.

AgriBank will sponsor the event, while Radio Energy will act as its media partner.

– tjatindi@gmail.com

Photos: Contributed