
Suspects nabbed with illicit liquor

Home Front Page News Suspects nabbed with illicit liquor

OMUTHIYA – Law enforcement officers in Oshikoto region have been very busy preventing illicit liquor trade during the current state of emergency Covid-19 period. The sale of alcohol is prohibited under the existing post-lockdown stage 2, resulting in the closure of bars and liquor shops. Despite the ban on the sale of alcohol, many people are still finding ways to access alcohol illegally, while others are using illegal border crossings to smuggle liquor from neighbouring countries such as Angola and Zambia. In Oshikoto, nearly 100 boxes containing sachets of whiskey were confiscated by police officers at the Oshivelo checkpoint this past weekend. Cigarettes worth N$27 200 as well as 24 packets of whiskey were also confiscated. A 29-year-old suspect was arrested and was due to appear in the Tsumeb Magistrate’s Court yesterday, according to Oshivelo police station commander, Inspector Victor Mbonabi. In addition, Mbonabi said, on Monday they arrested two people who were found with 30 boxes of whiskey. “The two suspects were allegedly transporting alcohol that was destined for Otjiwarongo. Members at Oshivelo are working 24/7. I would therefore want to warn the public to refrain from engaging in illegal activities, rather follow and adhere to the lockdown regulations,” warned Mbonabi. Meanwhile in Tsumeb, five alcohol related fines were issued over the weekend, said Chief Inspector Sisco Kotze. “The alcohol was intended for selling and consumption. The confiscated liquor is believed to be from the northern part of the country,” she stated. Kotze said they confiscated about 40 boxes containing 680 sachets of illegal whiskey with Angolan origin. “Four more tickets were issued on yesterday whereby three were spot fines after suspects were found with 3 240 sachets worth N$32 400. In addition, a 55-year-old man was arrested for possession of 16 parcels of cannabis with a street value of N$16 740. All arrests were made at the Tsumeb-Otavi-Grootfontein checkpoint,” stated Kotze. 