SWAKOPMUND – The Swakopmund Municipality had to temporarily suspend its newly installed parking system in town following a huge public outcry over the system that has been described a nuisance.
The system has been operational for about two weeks now but was criticised by residents who said that the system was a nuisance and defeated the whole purpose it was created for.
The system that cost the municipality about N$1.5 million, instead of reducing unregistered car guards, reduce crime and theft out of vehicles and to better manage available spaces so that motorists are able to access parking space during business hours has turned out to be ‘chaotic,’ according to appalled motorists.
This resulted in the Swakopmund municipality reverting to the drawing board with the Namibia Parking Solutions straightening out the challenges facing the system.
The Swakopmund Municipality yesterday issued a notice indicating that the system will be suspended until further notice.
The Swakopmund Management Committee and Namibia Parking Solutions who is managing the parking system, is expected to meet as soon as possible after which residents and the public will be notified how the parking bays will be managed accordingly.
The aim of the system initially was to create more parking space available to visitors as at the moment many motorists use the parking spaces in town to extended periods at the expense of visitors to the CBD.
About 50 former car guards have been recruited as employees of Namibia Parking Solutions. The car guards also expressed unhappiness over the system saying they would make less money, as the public will pay directly into the new parking metres.