
Swakopmund informal trading area upgraded

Home National Swakopmund informal trading area upgraded

SWAKOPMUND – The Swakopmund municipality, in its efforts to improve informal trading, has launched the Mondesa Pilot Hawkers market at the town.

Informal trading is the lifeline of many households and is regarded as one of the measures that minimises the impact of poverty and unemployment, especially in urban areas.

Hence, the municipality in partnership with Swakop Uranium upgraded the informal trading area along Mandume Ndemufayo Street in Mondesa, to improve safety and hygiene at the trading area. A total of 33 vendors are currently being accommodated

Previously, vendors traded from the pavement, which was regarded as a health hazard.
Now with the assistance of the municipality and Swakop Uranium, vendors can now display and sell their products from mounted wooden structures.

Mayor of the town, Paulina Nashilundo during the launch of the trading area indicated that placing and selling food products from the pavement, raised concerns regarding safety and various health risks, including the Hepatitis E virus.

“Hence we felt the need to create a conducive environment as this will enhance the quality of products. Informal businesses contribute to food security by providing small quantities of affordable food products at convenient locations for consumers who cannot afford to buy food products at formal businesses.  It also provides employment and income to low-income households. It has become an attractive option for those seeking greater autonomy than formal employment and as a result it empowers marginalized members of society and contributes to fairer distribution of resources,” Nashilundo explained. 

The coastal mayor also said that council hold people-centred development in high regard and that it is imperative to recognize that human capital is a valuable asset.  “Investing in people is therefore one of our key strategies for developing a vibrant and competitive local economy and a society based on the principles of equity, justice and mutual respect.”