
Tatjana Lohmann’s decade-long fitness journey

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Tatjana Lohmann’s decade-long fitness journey

Julina Kaakunga


A decade ago, Tatjana Lohmann embarked on a transformative fitness journey, driven by a desire to escape self-criticism and rediscover happiness in her own skin. 

Her initial foray into fitness involved daunting sessions on the treadmill, navigating a weight section that society deemed exclusive to men. She challenges stereotypes, advocating for women’s empowerment through fitness.

Lohmann, now a seasoned fitness enthusiast, emphasises that building muscle does not transform women into male bodybuilders, but rather achieves a commonly-desired, toned look. 

“My fitness journey started with many dreadful minutes on the treadmill, as the weight section used to be a no-girl or no-woman zone. Of course, this was only the case because the media made us believe that lifting weights will make us build muscle like a male bodybuilder,” she said. 

She firmly believes in women’s empowerment, describing it as an opportunity for women to be true to themselves, pursue their passions and have a voice in decisions that affect them. Challenging societal beauty standards, Lohmann underscores the importance of embracing diversity, strength and uniqueness. 

“It also means challenging the unrealistic beauty standards set by society. It is important to me to emphasise not limiting beauty or fitness to any shape or size, but rather to embrace our diversity, strengths and uniqueness,” she reiterated.

The best journeys are the ones where there is more room for growth. Although her fitness goals may change from time to time, there always is a goal. Along the journey, fitness becomes something you have to do rather than something you want, as you won’t always be motivated. The biggest skill fitness has added to her life is discipline, she noted.

One of the most important fitness-related tips that Lohmann offers is to start slowly at the beginning of the journey, the year, or even the week, as people find themselves with a lot of motivation and tend to overdo it while the excitement is running high. She urged beginners to tackle a three to four-day regimen rather than a five to six-day regimen which the advanced fit “girlie” on Instagram follows weekly. Another important consideration is that interests can shift, and it is thus acceptable to switch up your workout regimen. 

“Over the many years in my fitness journey, I have found myself falling out of love with traditional weight training, and moved into functional training, yoga and pilates. Remember that you’re doing it for your health, and if you find joy elsewhere, there is no need to choose one or move on to the next,” she shared. 

 It can be very intimidating stepping into the weight section which is still predominantly filled with men, especially as a beginner. The fitness enthusiast shared some of her tips for beginners in the same journey. 

“Follow a guided workout plan, as this will prevent you from not knowing what to do, and how to do it correctly. Get yourself a gym buddy. Everything is more fun and less scary when you have someone with you. If you are alone, put on some headphones and play music that boosts your confidence. This will make you less aware of others and more focused on your workout,” she advised.

She further said one must set realistic goals.

“You will then have encouragement to go even when your mind is full of reasons not to. Acknowledge and appreciate your progress along the road, but don’t expect results right away. Choose a hobby you enjoy, instead of forcing yourself to go to workouts you detest. Also, try out a variety of exercise methods to see which one suits you the most,” she said. 

Lohmann added that there are plenty of alternative ways to share your experience with others if you can’t find someone to go with you, such as joining groups in your neighbourhood or on social media. “Nutrition holds equal significance. You will need food when you first start your fitness adventure, because it is fuel. Make sure you nourish yourself with healthy foods which provide you the energy you require. Remember to rest, because taking breaks is essential to ensuring that you don’t overwork yourself. 

After exercise, the body requires time to recuperate.” -julinak990@gmail.com