
The Saltie Debrief: How Reading Can Empower Your Child and Namibia

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The Saltie Debrief: How Reading Can Empower Your Child and Namibia

Salt Essential


Reading is not only a skill that your child needs to excel in school and life, but also a powerful tool that can unlock their potential and transform our nation. In this article, we will show you how reading can help your child develop the competencies and mindsets that are essential for the 21st century, such as creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. We will also introduce you to a new solution that can help your child overcome any reading challenges and become a confident and fluent reader.


The Consequences of Poor Reading

Many children in Namibia struggle with reading, due to various factors such as lack of resources, quality education, and parental support. This can have serious negative effects on their emotional, psychological, and mental well-being. Children who are poor readers may face stigma and discrimination from their peers or teachers, who may label them as dumb or lazy. This can lower their self-esteem and confidence, making them feel ashamed and isolated. Children who are poor readers may also develop a fear of reading or speaking in public, as they may dread being exposed or ridiculed for their difficulties. This can limit their opportunities for learning, socializing, and expressing themselves. Moreover, poor reading can affect the brain development and mental health of children, as reading is essential for stimulating cognitive and emotional skills. Research has shown that reading difficulties are associated with increased risk of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicide in children and adolescents. 

Reading is a fundamental skill that affects many aspects of a person’s life, from academic achievement to career success. However, reading difficulties are very common among children and adults, and can have negative impacts on their learning and development. Here are some statistics about reading, reading disabilities and their relationship and impact on performance in school and adulthood:

Reading disabilities affect a significant portion of the population. 

Reading disabilities likely occur in at least 20 percent of the population.

Only about four percent of school-age students receive special education services for reading disabilities.

At least 1 in every 59 children has one or several learning disabilities.

As of 2021, 2.8 million kids are actively getting services involving special education.

Reading disabilities can affect a child’s academic performance and outcomes. 

Grade retention happens for 33% of kids with learning disorders on individualized education plans.

Over 18% of learning-disabled kids drop out of school.

Children with reading disabilities have average to below average scores on standardized tests of reading, math, and language.

Children with reading disabilities are more likely to have lower self-esteem, lower motivation, and higher anxiety than their peers. Reading disabilities can also have long-term consequences for adults.

Adults with reading disabilities are more likely to be unemployed or underemployed than those without reading disabilities.

Adults with reading disabilities earn less income and have lower levels of educational attainment than those without reading disabilities.

Adults with reading disabilities are more likely to experience social isolation, depression, and poor health than those without reading disabilities.

Adults with reading disabilities are more likely to be involved in the criminal justice system than those without reading disabilities.

Reading disabilities are not a sign of low intelligence or laziness. They are caused by differences in how the brain processes information, and can be overcome with appropriate instruction and support. Early identification and intervention are crucial for helping children with reading difficulties succeed in school and life.

Therefore, it is crucial to identify and address the reading problems of children as early as possible, and to provide them with adequate support and intervention.


The Benefits of Reading

Reading can have a profound impact on your child’s future in many ways. Here are some of the benefits that reading can offer:

Workforce Development: Reading enhances vocabulary, sparks creativity, reduces stress, fosters empathy, and improves memory and concentration. These are all skills that are highly valued in the modern workplace, where innovation, collaboration, and problem-solving are key. Reading can also expose your child to different perspectives, cultures, and ideas, which can broaden their horizons and prepare them for the globalized and diverse world. Reading can also inspire your child to pursue their passions and interests, and to discover new opportunities and careers that they may not have considered before.

Job Creation: Reading can also help your child become an entrepreneur, who can create their own jobs and businesses, and contribute to the economic growth and development of Namibia. Reading can help your child develop a growth mindset, which is the belief that they can learn and improve through effort and feedback. This can help them overcome challenges, embrace failures, and learn from mistakes. Reading can also help your child develop a creative mindset, which is the ability to generate novel and useful ideas and solutions. This can help them identify gaps and needs in the market, and to create products and services that can meet those needs and add value to society.

Driving the Economy: Reading can also help your child become an influencer, who can shape the opinions and behaviors of others, and drive positive change in Namibia and beyond. Reading can help your child develop a social mindset, which is the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively, and to build trust and rapport with others. This can help them share their vision and mission, and to mobilize and inspire others to join their cause. Reading can also help your child develop a civic mindset, which is the awareness and responsibility for the social and environmental issues that affect their community and country. This can help them advocate for the rights and needs of the marginalized and vulnerable groups, and to promote the values and principles of democracy, justice, and peace.


A New Solution for Reading

If you want to help your child improve their reading skills and enjoy the benefits of reading, you may be interested in a new solution that can help you achieve that. It is called Lexplore. Lexplore is a software that uses artificial intelligence and eye tracking to detect reading disabilities in children. Lexplore works by using an eye tracker device, such as Tobii, to record the eye movements of the child as they read a text on a screen. The eye tracker captures data such as fixation duration, saccade length, and pupil dilation, which are indicators of reading ability and comprehension. Lexplore then analyzes the eye tracking data using a machine learning algorithm, which compares the child’s reading pattern to a large database of normative data from thousands of other children. Lexplore then generates a report that shows the child’s reading level, reading speed, and reading difficulties, as well as recommendations for intervention and support. Lexplore can help teachers and parents identify and address the reading problems of children in a fast and accurate way. Lexplore can also help children improve their reading skills and confidence, and enjoy the benefits of reading. 

Lexplore also uses the Lexplore score to benchmark students, classes and schools to international standards, with the aim of providing guidance that intends to help bring our readers to international standards. Lexplore has partnered with the International Schools Partnership (ISP), a global network of 50 schools across 15 countries, to compare and analyse the reading data of pupils from different regions and contexts. This allows Lexplore to provide insights and recommendations on how to improve the reading outcomes and experiences of pupils, teachers, and parents, and to foster a culture of reading across the world. Lexplore also offers a global reading challenge, where pupils from different countries can compete and collaborate with each other, and share their love of reading. 



Reading is a vital skill that can empower your child and Namibia. Reading can help your child develop the competencies and mindsets that are essential for the 21st century, such as creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Reading can also help your child become an entrepreneur, who can create their own jobs and businesses, and contribute to the economic growth and development of Namibia. Reading can also help your child become an influencer, who can shape the opinions and behaviors of others, and drive positive change in Namibia and beyond. If you want to help your child improve their reading skills and enjoy the benefits of reading, you may want to try Lexplore, a new solution that uses artificial intelligence to provide personalized and adaptive reading instruction and practice for your child. Lexplore can help your child overcome any reading challenges and become a confident and fluent reader.

Salt Essential IT is the local partner for Lexplore. Salt Essential IT has invested in this technology and is committed to improving the reading skills and outcomes of Namibian children. Salt Essential IT has already assessed four schools as part of a fully funded pilot, with another sixteen schools in the pipeline. If you are interested to learn more about Lexplore and how it can help your child or your school, you can contact Salt Essential IT by visiting their website or calling their number.