
Timely boost for Brave Gladiators

Home Sports Timely boost for Brave Gladiators

WINDHOEK – Namibia’s national senior women’s football team, the Brave Gladiators, recaived a shot in the arm ahead of their participation in the 9th edition of the African Women Football Championship in October this year.

The long-standing cooperation between partners the Westphalia Football Association and  the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in conjunction with the Namibia Football Association (NFA) has yielded a girls hostel, situated within a 5-minute walk from the NFA Technical Centre in Windhoek.

The hostel, situated in Johannes Tueujama Street behind the Katutura Community Hall, was unveiled by national team manager Natasha Cloete after it was renovated and furnished by Westphalia FA and the NFA for accommodation for camping out purposes.

NFA Technical Director Klaus Starke says the hostel is an ideal lodging and can help build team spirit.

“We have a big tournament to look forward to and it was very important to have something like this in place.

The purpose is to provide accommodation to the players, especially those coming from outside Windhoek and it is very close  to the technical centre where the training sessions are normally held every day,” explained Starke before adding:  “The team is preparing well for the championship, which Namibia wil host in October.”



By Staff Reporter