
Tjozohongo Nguvauva named next Ovambanderu chief

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Tjozohongo Nguvauva named next Ovambanderu chief

The third eldest son of the late Ovambanderu Chief Munjuku II Nguvauva, Tjozohongo Eben Nguvauva, has been chosen to succeed his half-brother, the late Kilus Munjuku III Nguvauva, who succumbed to Covid-19 late last year.

Eben’s (53) designation to the throne was confirmed by Ovambanderu traditional authority (OTA) spokesperson Uazenga Ngahahe late on Sunday.

According to Ngahahe, the Nguvauva royal house made the decision to nominate him for designation to the throne during a gathering at Ezorongondo, Epukiro, in Omaheke over the weekend.

He explained the Nguvauva royal house customarily sits separately and selects a son from the Munjuku lineage to head the community before presenting him to the supreme council for approval, which, in this case, the council received without objection.

“In this regard, a meeting was convened over the weekend and Tjozohongo was identified and presented to the supreme council without an objection,” said Ngahahe. 

Also, Freddy Nguvauva of the Nguvauva royal house confirmed the designation of Eben as the chief of the OTA by the Nguvauva clan.

He told New Era on Monday the designation was presented to the supreme council first – and thereafter, the general assembly of the OTA. 

“These organs hailed the designation and approved the designation finally. The process was overboard since all potential candidates were considered and critically evaluated until a suitable candidate was selected,” he said, adding that all contestants accepted the outcome and vowed to support Eben during his tenure. 

“Community members and members of the clan were in unison after going through a tedious process of selecting a successor to the throne,” he added.

Acting Ovambanderu chief Gerson Katjirua hailed Eben’s designation, describing the processes as having been free and fair.

The Maharero Royal House’s chief Tjinaani Maharero hailed Eben’s appointment, stating he is pleased the community has chosen a younger leader to replace the late Kilus.

“I am glad that Eben was chosen to succeed the late ombara Kilus Nguvauva,” Maharero stated, adding he will always be prepared to offer his advice when need be.

President Hage Geingob has over the years urged traditional leaders to follow traditional customs in the designation of a traditional leader. 

Recently, he advised acting Ovaherero paramount chief Vipuira Kapuuo to ensure customary laws are duly observed in the designation of the next Ovaherero Traditional Authority leader. 

“I found it disheartening that more often than not, leadership succession in some of our traditional authorities is riddled with squabbles, which lead to the polarisation of communities,” Geingob said.

Eben Munjuku IV will become the fourth chief of the Ovambanderu. 

He follows the footsteps of his forefathers: Munjuku Nguvauva, who led the community before 1880; Kahimemua Nguvauva; Munjuku II Nguvauva, and his elder half-brother Kilus, who led the community from 2004–2021.

– ktjitemisa@nepc.com.na