
Unam launches bridging programme

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Unam launches bridging programme

The University of Namibia launched a readiness programme on Thursday to help students acquire the requisite marks for acceptance into the university. 

During the university’s official opening ceremony, vice chancellor Kenneth Matengu revealed that out of 25 180 applicants for the 2023 first semester, only 9 513 were admitted, leaving a considerable portion ineligible or unregistered. 

The Unam Readiness Programme targets learners who have attempted Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level, NSSCH, or equivalent to HIGCSE but fell short of meeting the minimum admission requirements for Unam degrees and diplomas. 

Notably, professional qualifications accredited by bodies such as health sciences, engineering, law, military science, and chartered accountancy programmes are excluded from the initiative.

Matengu stressed the significance of the programme in mitigating the high rate of unemployment stemming from unqualified applicants.

“Registration for the Unam Readiness Programme remains open until 15 March 2024. Prospective qualifying students are urged to gather information from the Unam website or visit designated campuses, including Katima Mulilo, Khomasdal, Windhoek Main, Oshakati, Rundu, and Southern campuses,” he said.

He added that, Unam is committed to making contributions to broadening access to equitable higher education considering the performance of the Namibian general education system. The initiative is fully funded by the government. 

“I am recalling the reasons for the institution’s existence, and at the same time, appeal to both staff and students to recommit ourselves, as individuals, as a university community, and contribute to the achievements of the university mandate and strategic objectives,” he said. 

Speaking at the same event, Twapewa-Ashihe Mungoba, Unam student representative council (SRC) president said, the university believes in the power of education to transform lives and shape the future. 

“I believe that the University of Namibia is not just a place of academic growth, but a place you know and call your home away from home, a place of personal growth and community engagement. Our journey is not just about acquiring knowledge in the lecture halls, but also about developing the resilience, adaptability, and leadership qualities that will serve you well in all aspects of life,” she said. Mungoba added that the Student Representative Council, as a united front will continue to bring new and innovative ideas to help communicate both the needs and desires of the students in order to contribute to the already existing environment that has built memorable experiences and values.

