
Unam student kills it in dance exam

Home Lifestyle Unam student kills it in dance exam

 Aletta Shikololo

WINDHOEK – A performing arts student at the University of Namibia (Unam), Golden-Star Mbadhi had heads turning and the audience craving for more during her examination dance performance at the university’ Space Theatre. 
Mbadhi, who is a fourth year Bachelor of Arts Drama and Psychology student, told Entertainment Now! that she has always been passionate about dance and hopes to make it a career.
“Art is a means of expression and when I am down and feel like I have nothing else to do, I take dance as a therapy. It is also a passion and a form of relief for me,” said Mbadhi. 
Mbadhi explained that she is inspired by dance lecturer, Sascha Oliver-Sampson one of the best dancers in the country. Equally, Mbadhi is inspired by celebrities such as American choreographers Kyle Hanagami and Aliyah Janell.
Choosing art as a course of study means owning herself and becoming confident in what she does despite disapproval from her family, she related.
In five years, she sees herself owning a studio and becoming a household name in the local entertainment industry.
Mbadhi’s examination performance was themed ‘Love and Betrayal’. Oliver-Sampson, one of the examiners, remarked that Mbadhi is good at what she does and she sees potential in her not only as a dance student but also as a Namibian young choreographer.
“Her performances are real and she tells good stories through choreography. I think in her fourth year, she has already mastered dance and art in general,” added Oliver-Sampson after Mbadhi’s sizzling performance.
The upcoming choreographer, dancer and actor Mbadhi said that with the help of her back up dancers who are also students, she worked hard for her dance examination and looking at the crowd that showed up and the positive feedback she received from the audience proved that she has what it takes to take her career to the next level.