UPM urges members to vote for opposition presidential candidate

Home Elections UPM urges members to vote for opposition presidential candidate

WINDHOEK – The United Peoples Movement (UPM) is urging its supporters and sympathisers to vote for an opposition presidential candidate in the upcoming elections.

The party’s national chairperson, Jan van Wyk, said this at various public meetings it held at Audabib, Dordabis, Bloukrans and Okahandja over the weekend of October 25 to 26.

“The UPM would inform you, that since the party is not going to field a presidential candidate, the party would like to urge you, its members and supporters to vote for an opposition presidential candidate of your choice,” Van Wyk told the various gatherings.

He said the party aims at having at having capable and competent leaders in parliament next year to ensure that the aspirations of the electorate are attended to.

He said the populace have been deceived by empty promises for the last 24 years.

“It is unfortunate that some of us still believe that the Swapo Party government cares. Yes, it of course cares for the rich whilst the poor only count during election times,” he said.

He told the various gatherings that if one looks today at who gets land and government tenders it is only those connected to the ruling party that benefit.

According to Van Wyk, the UPM does not make any promises – its only aim is to provide an opportunity to the electorate to give a mandate to leaders who care about them, leaders who understand their needs.

He said if given the chance, the UPM will fight to uplift the living conditions of the poor.

He said that all over Namibia, only those that can afford it is allowed to buy land, while the poor and the unemployed are left behind.

Van Wyk said his party would promote the right of all to own property in urban areas, to ensure improved living conditions.

He said the claim by the Swapo Party government that it introduced free education is a blatant lie “as we had free quality education before independence”.

He said the UPM is ready to promote the demand for free quality education for all.

“Today we expect A’s and A+’s from our learners, yet they and their teachers have to spend time in classrooms that leave much to be desired,” Van Wyk said.

He added:  “We cannot expect miracles from our children and teachers under conditions that are not conducive while government spends millions on bailouts and salary increments for political office-bearers.”

Van Wyk said teachers have to satisfied with low salaries and ill-disciplined children “and nothing is done about it”.

He said that under the UPM free quality education, quality healthcare, an increase in old age pensions and social allowances would become a reality.

According to the UPM parliamentary candidate they will introduce measures to boost productivity especially in the agriculture sector, adding that farmers should ensure the children of their workers attend school.

He said the UPM is concerned about the treatment of farm, domestic and construction workers.

Van Wyk told the gatherings that “the time for change is now”, and people “should stop complaining and vote for change”.

By Staff Reporter