
Veii, Naobeb appointments don’t make sense, says Shiyuka

Home Sports Veii, Naobeb appointments don’t make sense, says Shiyuka


Outgoing Vice-Chairman of the Namibia Sports Commission (NSC) Amos “Rock of Gibraltar” Shiyuka has come out with all guns blazing in the wake of his shock resignation from his post.

A furious Shiyuka rubbished suggestions that he was desperately eyeing the position of NSC chairperson, which was vacated by Vivienne Katjiuongua earlier this year.

He says his hastened departure has nothing to do with whoever takes over as head of the NSC, but expressed serious reservations about Dr Vetumbuavi Veii’s appointment.

As the designated appointing authority, the portfolio minister Jerry Ekandjo has installed Veii to take over the reins at the troubled NSC.

“With all due respect, my resignation was strictly a matter of principle. I could not digest the rationale behind Dr Veii’s appointment because I’m yet to be convinced as to how he (Veii) would bring any tangible changes to the Commission – going forward. ”

Shiyuka adds that Veii was the director of sports in the same ministry for a quarter of a century, and he remains steadfast that his (Veii’s) new portfolio is against conventional wisdom.

“In my honest opinion, the appointment is tantamount to a former state president being downgraded to the position of a cabinet minister. It’s a well-orchestrated trick that can be likened to the old fallacy of ‘you scratch my back, I scratch yours’.”

The former Brave Warriors and Civics defender stated that there are people with sinister motives abusing the NSC as a vehicle to keep Veii as chairman of the Africa Zone Five Council of Sports.

The statutes require Exco members to represent a recognized sports body from the country of their origin in order to be eligible to serve on the executive.

Veii is chairperson of the Africa Zone Five Council of Sports and critics believe he has no immediate desire to vacate the plum position. Shiyuka pulled no punches and also questioned the wisdom of re-appointing former long-serving commissioner Doc Naobeb.