Wlotzkasbaken Erven Lease Contested

Home Archived Wlotzkasbaken Erven Lease Contested

By Catherine Sasman


The High Court yesterday contended that the Erongo Regional Council would not continue to lease erven at the Wlotzkasbaken settlement for which members of the Wlotzkasbaken Homeowners Association have pre-emptive and renewal rights until a final ruling is determined on the matter.

The council has expressed its intention to lease certain erven in the settlement, and has offered these erven for lease to the general public through an advertisement that appeared in the Republikein of 20 July.

The homeowners association lodged an application with the High Court yesterday to enforce an agreement of settlement reached between the council and Wlotzkasbaken residents on 10 November 2006.

The residents asserted that the council is “fundamentally and materially” acting in breach of the agreement, claiming that the residents’ right with regarded to erven they occupy, are under threat.

The settlement – a small holiday and fishing resort about 35