
Word On The Block – by the Namibian Police

Home Focus Word On The Block – by the Namibian Police

Public Safety and Order
The maintenance of public safety and order in Namibia is entrusted with the Namibian Police Force. Crime is the main threat to public safety and order. Although the Namibian Police Force works around the clock to ensure the safety of the public, the police cannot be everywhere at the same time to prevent all crimes from happening. However, with the collaboration and assistance of the general public, most crime can be prevented.

How the Namibian community may assist the police in promoting public safety:

By forming Neighbourhood Watch Forums (NHWF)
A neighbourhood watch is a voluntary active participation of residents in collaboration with the police in order to reduce crime. Neighbourhood watch forums are the most effective in fighting crime because their approach is of a pro-active nature, meaning through a neighbourhood watch group, the community can prevent or stop a crime before it occurs; as we all are aware that prevention is better than cure.
A community may approach the Namibian Police Force or City Police if they wish to set up a NHWF within their neighbourhood. The police will assist them with the initial organization of their NHW group and provide them with crime information relating to their particular area. Neighbourhood watch is coordinated with the police to avoid, abuse of power, vigilantism and misuse of trust.

By becoming a police reservist
A police reservist is an auxiliary member recruited to serve as reinforcement to assist the Namibian police in the fulfillment of their duties and activities in terms of Section 13 of the Police Act, Act 19 of 1990. Police reservists are voluntary workers and are not entitled to any remuneration. However, a reservist may only be compensated (in terms of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, Act 30 of 1941) if he/she sustain injuries while carrying out police duties or in case of loss of income due to injuries sustained while executing police duties and subsequently becomes unfit. Reservists are only required to perform police duties for not more than 10 hours per month.
For one to qualify to be appointed as a police reservist, they should meet the following requirements:

A Namibian citizen
Between the age of 21 and 50
No criminal record
Mentally and physically fit
Able to speak, read and write English 
Good character (disciplined, neat, honest and hardworking), and
Employed elsewhere

Although being employed is one of the criteria; soldiers, security officers, members of the media or anyone employed by law institutes cannot be appointed as a reservists!
If you are interested in any of the above, kindly visit your nearest police regional headquarters or police station for further information.