
Youth share views on voting

Home National Youth share views on voting

With Namibia’s elections slated for November, Youth Corner’s Aletta Shikololo and Paheja Siririka gauged the young people’s views on whether the youth are interested in voting

Emma Helao
“I think our generation is now getting more interested to vote because if you go on social media, everyone is concerned about politics. A lot of people, of whom the majority are young people, are sharing their ideas about politics on social media platforms, which shows that they are interested in elections and as a youth, I am going to vote.”

Vernon Simasiku
“As far as am concerned, people have been interested in elections and they still are interested. The problem comes when young people register for elections but they don’t turn up to vote. I think that’s the only concern, but I am definitely going to vote because my vote counts.”

Zidane Claudio 
“I don’t think the youth are interested in elections anymore, because of what the government is doing to them. There is no employment for them and students are neglected. I am voting this year for change.”

Sophie Tendane
“Most people are not interested in elections because recently what we have seen, or what we have heard, is that most of the leaders who were voted are not doing what they are supposed to do, so I think most young people have lost their trust in them which makes them not interested in elections.” 

Mbozi Lawrence
“Only some young people are interested in elections because most of them, based on what we see on social media, are being disappointed by politicians and personally I think a lot of people are not interested and they might not even vote, including myself.”  

Toini Abner 
“Young people are certainly not voting, much as they need to. I have not registered to vote yet. I am however planning on going to register before the end of this week. I feel voting is important because we are the ones who have to decide who should be representing us when it comes to policymaking. If we don’t vote, how can we ensure that we are part and parcel of the policymaking decisions of this county?”

Manuela Mcbrown
“I don’t think young Namibians are voting and that is because according to social media, some if not most don’t know which political party to vote for. They also feel there is repetition, all the parties are doing the same things, so they are afraid that corruption will prevail since the approach by the parties is all similar. I feel the youth are also not seeing capable people that will bring change to the current situation in the country.” 

Jeremia Muhepa
“I don’t think enough young people are voting or taking part in the voting process and there are a lot of factors that are contributing to this. The new era is the cause of this – believe it or not, social media is one of them, they are not interested in how the country is governed, more concerned about other things, and social media is taking over. I would want the youth to vote so their voices can be heard. I registered to vote and I will be voting this year.”

Ortega Sheya 
“I am extremely disappointed that the vast majority of Namibian youth are not voting; they might have their reasons but I feel it’s because the economy is not good. I have also realised the reason why they are not voting is they’re trying to send a message to the government or to indirectly boycott, which I feel is wrong. If you want to see change, you have to take the step and register to vote. I for one have registered to vote and I will take that step. What we should know is, if you are not happy with the current government, then exercise your right and vote for another one that you feel will drastically improve the status of the country.” .