
26 minors raped in two months … 57 rape cases during same period

Home National 26 minors raped in two months … 57 rape cases during same period

WINDHOEK – Of the 57 rape cases recorded during July and August this year, 26 cases involved minors, police said.

A total of 34 suspects were arrested in connection with these rapes. 
These statistics were provided by Namibian police spokesperson Edwin Kanguatjivi on Friday when he issued a statement warning parents and the public to be vigilant after the police noticed an upward trend in rape cases involving minors.

“We hereby appeal to all parents and the public at large to be vigilant when looking after minors as this will prevent their young children from becoming victims,” stated Kanguatjivi.
In the figures provided, the police recorded 34 rape cases from August 5 to 24, 2019.

Kanguatjivi said that during the period August 5 to 11, of the 17 cases recorded nine were rape of minors reported from Erongo, Ohangwena, Omusati, Oshana, Oshikoto and Zambezi regions.  Kanguatjivi said six people were arrested in connection with these rapes.

Similarly, during the period August 18 to 24, a total of 17 cases of rapes were recorded of which eight involved minors. The cases are from Erongo, Ohangwena, Oshikoto, Omusati and Omaheke regions. “
All suspects were arrested in these cases, he noted.

In addition, during July 25 to 31, there were 10 rape cases reported of which four involved minors. 
He said four suspects were arrested. These cases are from Erongo, Ohangwena, Oshana, Omusati, Omaheke and //Karas regions.

Seven suspects were arrested during July 11 to 18 after police recorded 13 rape cases. Of these cases, five rapes were perpetrated against minor victims. The rapes were reported in Oshana, Omusati, Otjozondjupa and Kavango West regions.

Furthermore, Kanguatjivi said the police have also observed negligent ways in which firearm owners are handling their guns which is in contradiction of the rules of firearms and safekeeping, resulting in firearms being stolen easily. 

He indicated that during the 2018/2019 financial year, 245 firearms were reported stolen. He added that during the first quarter of the current financial year, 56 firearms were reported stolen. 

“Most of these firearms were stolen during housebreaking or theft out of motor vehicles,” he said.  
He said if one has a firearm at the house, it must be stored in a locked safe mounted to the wall and/or on the floor. One may not leave the firearm in a vehicle upon disembarking from it as it be can stolen if the vehicle is broken into, he advised.