Manager’s Forum Proposed for Music Industry

Home Archived Manager’s Forum Proposed for Music Industry

By Frederick Philander


A successful one-day workshop about crucial aspects in the local music industry was held last week by Rising Voices, a music production company that represents the interests of Namibian musicians and singers.

Company owner, Rirua Komeheke, expressed his satisfaction with the outcome of the workshop that was held at the Government Park auditorium.

“I am very happy, so much so that we intend staging a follow-up workshop in the hope that we can involve more Namibian musicians. Some twenty persons attended the workshop at which South African performer, Cello Galane, delivered an insightful paper on his experiences as a music promoter and stage performer,” said Komeheke.

Some of the topics covered by the workshop included a music industry structure, legal aspects of the industry, financial and artists’ management.

“A proposal for a music manager’s forum in Namibia had been unanimously accepted by those present. This idea will now be further pursued in the interest of the development of the music industry in the country,” he concluded.