
Powering vocal chords with Emily Dangwa

Home National Powering vocal chords with Emily Dangwa

Music teacher and a professional singer, Emily Dangwa, bring her music talent and experience to local shores when she presents a workshop at the College of the Arts (COTA) Theatre School next Tuesday. 

The workshop under the theme, Master the Power of your Voice with Emily Dangwa, will give singers and upcoming vocalists an opportunity to learn from her musical experiences, thereby sharpening their voices in different styles. The workshop is organised by the Namibia Arts Fair to help those with a singing talent and already in the industry to improve their voices professional. Emily will drive the audience through fun lessons including how artists can work on breathe control which is essential to vocalists. Another aspect will be the expansion of vocal range, amplification, and above all this, participants will be able to understand the anatomy of singing as well as going deeper behind the words of any song a particular vocalist opts to sing.

Although maintaining a sharp voice sometimes requires a certain remedy, or even when acquiring it, the presenter will also be sharing a few remedies one can use for his or her voice. Emily is not only a music teacher by profession, but also an opera singer. She attended music classes at the Ladybird International Academy, where she began her career and later graduated in Music performance from the University of Cape Town in South Africa (SA). 

After her graduation in 2015, Emily worked in several places where she acquired numerous music skills. She also worked in Cape Town as a soprano chorus member in the Baxter Theatre on productions such as Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro and Cosi fan Tutte, Stravinsky’s The Rake’s Progress, Donizetti’s L’Elisir d’Amor, Offenbach’s Tales of Hoffman and Janacek’s Cunning Little Vixen.

This year she appeared at the World Music Day, held at the Franco Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC) where she performed. Emily has also opened her own company, ED Music Production based in Windhoek where she focuses on music education. Her company offers courses in vocal coaching, music theory and beginner piano, and she currently has more than eight students.

With the workshop, a large audience is expected to appear, as the event promises to deliver nothing but the best. 
Tickets for the workshop are available for purchase at the Events Today for N$250 per adult and N$150 for students. These tickets include refreshments and all supplies required during the workshop.