
Gcwatjinga clinic hardly ever open

Home National Gcwatjinga clinic hardly ever open

RUNDU – The Gcwatjinga Primary Healthcare (PHC) Clinic at Gcwatjinga village some 90 km south of Rundu in Ncuncuni Constituency is closed most of the time as the registered nurse who runs and delivers healthcare services alone is often not around.

The clinic can sometimes go up to two weeks closed, locals say.
The clinic is also supposed to operate with more than one nurse but it is understood that the other post is unfilled due to budget constaints of the Ministry of Health and Social Services.

The clinic is strategically located to cater for all villages in its surroundings and workers on farms scattered in that area.
With this clinic often closed, villagers and farm workers need to walk over 30 km to get health assistance at Ncaute PHC Clinic, the nearest to Gcwatjinga.

The clinic, which has been renovated and upgraded in 2015, has not been living up to its mandate to serve its catchment communities as the registered nurse is hardly at the facility to serve people.

Most of the time patients are greeted by the presence of a security guard on site, with the nurse often said to be away on workshops or ‘gone to town’ (Rundu).

New Era has visited the facility on several occasions but on each occasion found the gate locked.
Director of health responsible for the two Kavango regions Timeya Ngwira was unwilling to comment on the situation when approached.
“I’m currently on leave until 28 January,” Ngwira said.