unWrap – TV series gets airplay

Home Lifestyle unWrap – TV series gets airplay

June Shimuoshili

Namibian series ‘Dreamers’ has finally landed on local television screens since its debut in 2018. The series, which premiered on NBC last weekend, is a Desert Films production that follows the lives of a few characters trying to achieve and attain their goals. 
“Dreamers are ordinary young Namibians from different social backgrounds who have a common dream of being successful in life, an aspiration to be what they want, in a conflicting and competitive city of Windhoek. Dreams are challenged by reality within this series. We all dream of being somebody but what do we have to sacrifice or give up,” reads the series description. 
Speaking to one of the producers Michael Basson, he said the airplay means a lot to his production company that has been in existence since 2003. 

“It means a lot because it has always been a dream for us to produce quality films and TV series to which the Namibian nation can relate. It’s always been a passion for us ever since we started way back in 2003,” he stated.
Basson further mentioned that the series currently has one season; however, they look forward to producing three more seasons. 
The series, which had its production shooting phase stopped over three years ago, it features Karishma, who plays the role of Yvonne, a talented lady trying to launch a musical career. 

Tjuna Kauapirura plays a character called Pamela, a nurse who is involved in an intimate relationship with her doctor. The doctor is portrayed by Tshoopara Chops Tshoopara as Tony. Dice is also in the series and portrays the character of a business mogul on the verge of losing his construction company. Not forgetting rapper Kadeen KK Kaoseb, who plays the role of a close friend to Norman – the role played by Dice. The series also features renowned actress Hazel Hinda – to mention a few.