Bids for lucrative Norwegian beef quota open

Home Agriculture Bids for lucrative Norwegian beef quota open
Bids for lucrative Norwegian beef quota open

The Meat Board of Namibia is calling upon local abattoirs and producers to apply for the production and export of beef to the lucrative Norwegian quota for 2024, and has given interested companies until 2 October 2023 to submit their bids. 

The Norway quota is jointly allocated to both Namibia and Botswana on a 50/50 basis and continues to serve as one of the most important and lucrative markets for the two countries’ beef sectors. 

With the 50/50 allotment, it means Namibia and Botswana each have a share of 1 600 tonnes to deliver to the joint quota of 3 200 tonnes allocated by Norway to the two countries. 

“The quota will be awarded to eligible organisations that are approved for beef production and export to Norway and are valid for the period beginning 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024. New entrants that meet the requirements are encouraged to apply. Written applications, clearly marked ‘Norwegian Quota’, should reach the Meat Board on or before 2 October 2023,” said the entity, which is primarily responsible for livestock and meat market access and market diversification.

Last year, Meatco secured the majority of the Norway quota allocations after it received 1200 tonnes, and the remaining 400 tonnes went to BeefCor. 

Meatco has been the country’s leading supplier of the quota over the years – and between 2013 and 2020 – it led the way with a delivery of 10 400 tonnes of meat to the Norwegian quota. 

In some cases, Meatco had to step in and take up the quota initially allocated to other entities that failed to fulfil their allocations.

In addition to exporting to the Norwegian market, Namibia also remains the first African country to export its renowned top-grade beef to the United States and China, with the European Union, South Africa and the United Kingdom being the other destinations for the country’s beef. 

Last year, also saw the European Union importing 29% of Namibian beef, Norway taking up 25% of the country’s meat and South Africa procuring 24% of Namibia’s exports.

For this year, as has become customary, the sharing and allocation of the 1 600 tonnes quota will be done in accordance with the principles outlined in the Cabinet directive for the export of beef to Norway, Norway Quota Standard Operating Procedures as well as the Meat Board Norwegian Quota Award Model.

Applicants are required to attach a cover letter motivating for the award of the quota and stipulating the total tonnage applied for the calendar year 2024, and statutory documents proving incorporation of legal entity, historic slaughter numbers and beef export volumes indicating demonstrated capacity to export the beef tonnage applied for. 

Proof of compliance with corporate statutory requirements, including clearance of Meat Board levies, as at the date of application, will all be expected to be in order, while existing beneficiaries of the quota must ensure that full disclosure of consignments (with MBN permit numbers) undertaken and cleared in 2023 is attached to the application.
