
Single mom dedicated to giving back to community 

Home Youth Corner Single mom dedicated to giving back to community 
Single mom dedicated to giving back to community 

Foibe Sheehama does not think twice to share her business profits with the needy because she knows all too well what it feels like not to have.

“What motivates me to give back to the community is knowing the pain of being rejected and having no hope or anywhere to go. Before I got my first job in 2015, I used to beg for N$2 for my daily feeding,” she told Youth Corner.

Now the owner of a successful venture, called Brian George Trading CC, the 29-year-old Sheehama actively channels a portion of her resources toward supporting needy individuals and initiatives in her community. 

By offering financial assistance, resources and mentorship, she aims to empower those facing difficult circumstances. 

Sheehama’s dedication to social responsibility goes beyond financial contributions. 

She actively engages with local organisations, volunteers her time and advocates for causes close to her heart. By leveraging her influence and network, she strives to create lasting change and uplift those who have faced similar hardships.

She founded Brian George Trading CC in 2021 and sells chilli sauce, which she makes from products she buys from local vendors and small shops – as a way of supporting their businesses too. Sheehama also sells hair and skin products for women and beard products for men.



Her philanthropic efforts reflect her genuine empathy and compassion for others, serving as a powerful example for aspiring entrepreneurs.

“At the moment, I have a family that I’m raising funds for to put a roof over their heads. Their house caught fire on 6 April 2023, and they got no help. 

I have raised some funds, even though it’s not enough yet, but I am pushing. I also give to new mothers who can’t afford the first things a mother carries when going to deliver. I am not selective about who I help. When I have, I do give where I can,” Sheehama said. 

With her charitable journey, she has also helped some youths come up with small businesses, and she is glad they are still doing great. 

She encourages girls to go back to school after teenage pregnancies.

She named the company after her late son, Brian, who tragically passed away at the tender age of seven months in 2016, leaving a profound impact on her life. The business also symbolises her determination to turn tragedy into triumph and dreams into reality. 



Like any other businessperson, Sheehama too faced numerous challenges along the way – from securing funding to building a strong team – on top of the challenges of being a single mother.

The mother of two explained that her children were born from rape incidents, but she thanks God for their lives because their existence pushes her to do well in business, and she is building a legacy for them. 

On the business side of things, one of the challenges is when she does not make enough profit, and she is tempted to touch a bit of her capital. But she says financial discipline is the key to overcoming that.

Sheehama narrated how many people call her names and others stopped helping her when she was in need because they thought she had enough. 

She overcomes such criticism by reminding herself that there is no need to feel bad about anything. 

“Nobody owes me anything; I owe it all to myself. What matters is preparing for a better tomorrow with those who are on the same path as me,” she noted. 

“There is nothing for free; if success came at no cost, everybody would be rich, right? The reality is that sometimes you have to spend money to make money.”

In the future, she wants to expand her business and create an empire for her children to take over and continue her charity work. 

“My biggest dream is to own an orphanage one day. And yes, God has my back. From my mouth to God’s ears,” she stated.

– epicnakwezy@gmail.com