
Klein Aub residents receive erven

Home National Klein Aub residents receive erven
Klein Aub residents receive erven

Lorato Khobetsi 


Isak Tities, a resident of Klein Aub, is one of 19 beneficiaries to receive an erf as part of the government’s Build Together Programme. 

The 47-year-old Tities was allocated his erf during a handover ceremony hosted by the Hardap Regional Council, where over 40 beneficiaries were allocated erven in the small settlement in the Rehoboth Rural Constituency.

The ecstatic recipient has been living in a government house with his wife and five children since 2012. 

“I am happy that I finally have my own plot, and now I can construct a house for my family. It is a place we can call our own. I am excited. One day, if I am not here, at least I will know I left a roof for my children,” said Tities.

He added that he looks forward to constructing his house as well as setting up a big backyard garden. 

He also looks forward to handing
over the government house he is currently occupying to someone else.  

“I can start with the construction of my house in two days. I look forward to moving into my own house,” he enthused. 

Another beneficiary, Lina Isaacks, said she has been on the waiting list for over six years. She thanked the government for making it possible for her and her family to own an erf. 

“I am thankful for the erf. Now, I can do on my erf what I want. I want to build a four-roomed house. I want a garden,” she added.

The 42 allocated erven consist of 19 erven for the Build Together beneficiaries, 19 residential erven, and two business erven. This is the first time in the history of Klein Aub that erven have been allocated to residents. 

The erven were handed over by Rehoboth Rural Constituency councillor Gershon Dausab, accompanied by Mariental Urban constituency councillor Petrus Esterhuizen recently. 

* Lorato Khobetsi is an information Officer with MICT Hardap.