Industry Loop: AGAIN: 2018 belongs to N.A.M.I.B.I.A

Home Lifestyle Industry Loop: AGAIN: 2018 belongs to N.A.M.I.B.I.A

Say it with me now: 2018 BELONGS TO NAMIBIA! I had to come back to this because I noticed that apart from my plea to have events’ organisers book Namibians, there was another type of plea I had to bring fourth. This plea is to radio stations. TV and print media are alright because 90% of content on TV and newspapers is Namibian (debatable…I know, lets tweet rather).

My plea to radio stations is simple…let’s take an active move towards bringing Namibian content to Namibians. International news is already readily available on multiple platforms across the board to the listener. Your average listener already has international news readily available on TV via dozens of channels. Your average listener already has international news readily available on multiple social pages on social media. For some reason…it’s still a bit of a hustle for the average listener to gain access to Namibian content. I am not saying there is a total absence of Namibian content available to your listener but at the current percentage…an estimate of about only 20 to 30% of Namibian content is readily available to your average listener.

Please highlight “CONTENT” which is across the board. Many might think I am talking about music…not that it is excluded from this plea but it’s not the only area of concern that is not readily available to your average Namibian listener. Radio heads…instead of running with the Jay-Z story, why not run with the Jericho story? Instead of running with the Blue Bulls story, why not run with the Western Suburbs story? Instead of running with the Donald Trump story, why not run with the My Neega Get Rich story (See what I just did there? LOL)? I’ve heard many radio heads complain that Namibian content is not readily available for them to relay to the listener. LOL. Guys…are you listening to yourself? You are the media. You are the one who is supposed to read between the lines, pick up on something and create content out of it. I think its pure laziness if you just want readily information all the time. Maybe that’s why you’re a big fan of international content nuh? (I seeeee you).

I know people still need to hear international stories hence why you cover it extensively. Now here is what happens most of the times. Your average listener will see that international story on social media during the day. That same average listener will consume that same international story again when they get home on TV. The next morning, radio is switched on and you carrying that same international story. That same average listener sees the story in the papers as well. Here is the genuine worry, by the time you run with that international story, your listener might have unknowingly spammed out that story. Killing the impact you could’ve had on that listener. You would’ve had greater impact had you carried something new and totally fresh.

And don’t give me that…yeah I explore the international story with a difference fallacy. We all know what happens behind the scenes. We just copy and paste! So…think about what you read for the last minute when you’re about to prep. Lets amplify Namibian content. Say it with me one more time…”2018 BELONGS TO NAMIBIA”!

Until the next loop, we say “GMTM”!
Oldie of the week: Blacksheep ft lil D – Good time
NSK is a professional MC. For bookings, email
@naobebsekind (twitter)