
Addressing relations through discourse

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Addressing relations through discourse

Many relationships experience conflict that could create stress, which, in turn, could have detrimental effects on the physical and mental health of couples.

This is cause for concern, and requires affected couples to address these issues.

The ‘Couples’ Bonfire’ session tomorrow night at the Windhoek City Carwash aims to tackle some of these issues and encourage healthy relationships and marriages, thereby solidifying the existing bond between partners and ultimately preserve family units.

One of the organisers, Talishi Werner said the family is the basic foundation unit of society in a community that is constantly battling manifold social ills and persistent challenges, including gender-based and domestic violence.

“We thought, as a start, to plan an eventful four-hour night session around the fire, focusing on intimacy, communication, finances, family, friends, children and running a household, and faith in marriage,” she explained.

These topics have been identified by organisers as crucial in advancing a positive view for couples to realise why it is important to work hard to keep their relationships intact, and be aware of the undue pressure exerted by this economic pressure.

Among the speakers who will be enlightening attendees is relationship coach Emily Nikanor, and life coaches Hilja Kapadhi Uiras, and Suoma and Johannes Andreas. The session is strictly for couples because like counselling, it is a generally accepted maxim that both parties being present has more likelihood of relationship success. 

The ‘Couples’ Bonfire’ has specific activities tailored and suitable for intimate partners.

Organisers also aim to achieve cohesion and unity of purpose, as well as deconstruct some social narratives that suggest counter-productive ideas to harmonious relations between the genders within society.

They further described it as “a movement for championing healthy debates among couples and discerning the scope of influence from outsiders and other environmental factors”. 

The event will start at 17h00 and tickets are N$400 per couple.

Bring blankets to cover yourselves against the cold. 
