
NUST Eenhana director satisfied with progress

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NUST Eenhana director satisfied with progress

The director of the Namibia University of Technology Eenhana campus said learning has gotten underway, and he is satisfied with the progress.

Lukas Shikulo said 436 students have enrolled in different programmes and already started with various lectures, while the learning process is progressing effectively.

Students are also enthusiastic and have the desire to learn as they respect lecture times, while most have already started performing well.

Shikulo said the campus’ mission is to offer quality education to students, and to ensure that students excel in their learning to obtain their qualifications upon completing their studies.

NUST furthermore aims to meet students with transport challenges halfway.

“We currently have two buses which transport students to and from school throughout the day. Bus one transports students from Eenhana, while bus two transports students from Onhuno,” Shikulo explained.

He added that the criminal justice programme has the highest admission, and its classes will no longer be conducted after hours because it will be a challenge to students who live far from campus. Lessons were planned to end at 21h00, which is late for students to walk back home, especially those staying in remote areas.

“The supreme reason why we cancelled this time slot is when we realised that it is unsafe for our students to walk back home late at night. That exposes them to any illegal night operations. Thus, amendments are made for every class to be attended during daytime,” he said.

Shikulo also confirmed that students are safe around the campus since every movement is under surveillance.

He added that the institution is experiencing inadequate classrooms, as the present ones cannot accommodate all students at once. At the moment, students give each other chances, as some stay outside while others are being taught.

The institution has nine full-time lecturers, and they also get reinforcements from the main campus in Windhoek, which provides extra lecturers who come after every two weeks on a rotational basis.

“Getting additional lecturers from Windhoek is a challenge to the institution since it always has to pay for these lecturers’ accommodation within Eenhana,” he said.

The community members in nearby areas are invited to give their views and observations about the institution. They are also free to come and ask and share information regarding the challenges currently faced by the institution, he urged.

When New Era visited the Eenhana NUST campus on Thursday, students confidently told this publication that the education they get is of top quality. 

Student Kashe Tuyeiko revealed that they are grateful that NUST provides free transport for students to and from school as this smoothens their routines.

“Our parents no longer stress about transport fare, because we have free school transport,” Tuyeiko said.

Also speaking to New Era, Lusia Timotheus, studying criminal justice, said she is happy because she does not travel long distances to campus since the institution is close to her homestead.

“No need to pay rent, compared to other fellow students who are schooling in Windhoek. Therefore, we are grateful to have this campus in the Ohangwena region because it creates many opportunities for the students and people in the community,” she beamed.
