
Infant drowns in pond

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Infant drowns in pond

A one-year-old infant drowned in a pond at Okaale village in the Oshikoto region, the police reported at the weekend. Richard Shilongo’s body was found by his mother, who was on her way back home. 

According to community affairs officer of the Oshikoto police, Ellen Nehale, the infant was left in the care of his siblings aged four and six at the time of the incident. “It is alleged that the older siblings were playing when the baby crawled to the nearby rainwater pond and drowned,” Nehale said. 

The officer said there is an urgent need for training on water safety to ensure people know how to prevent further drownings in the region. The police also called on parents and caregivers not to leave children unattended near water, after another baby drowned last month. 

Similarly, they urged the community not to leave minor children outside homes unattended, especially this time of the season, as many floodplains are filled with water in many parts of the region. 

“Community members are further cautioned to desist from crossing water pans at night and while they are under the influence of alcohol,” said the police. Parents should also educate their children not to play in water after school, or whenever they are looking after animals. 

In a separate incident, a Namibian man is fighting for his life in the Onandjokwe hospital after he slit his throat with a knife. According to the weekend crime bulletin, the incident happened on Friday at the Onayena police station.  It is alleged that the man came to the police station after he heard that the police were looking for him in connection with a case of assault by threatening, which was opened against him by his girlfriend. 

While the officers were interviewing him, the man requested permission from the police to go and make a call outside the office. It is reported that the man then pulled a knife from his pocket, cut his throat and fell to the ground while bleeding profusely.
