OPINION – Aligning our path with Vision 2029: A testament to resilience and collaboration

OPINION – Aligning our path with Vision 2029: A testament to resilience and collaboration

As I reflect on our journey towards Vision 2029, I am filled with pride in the Ohlthaver & List (O&) Group and the team that drives us forward. 

Vision 2029 is more than a strategic blueprint. It is a deeply-rooted commitment to building a sustainable, profitable and people-centred future. 

At the core of this vision lies our O&L persona – authentic, caring and passionate. These qualities are not mere words. They are the foundation upon which every decision is made. 

 Our dedication to our employees, who form the heart of our organisation, is key to this journey.  The successful conclusion of our recent wage negotiations is not simply a contractual milestone, but a true reflection of our commitment to authenticity, care and passion. 

Despite the challenges of the post-Covid recovery, we have remained united, ensuring that the negotiation process was fair, transparent, and demonstrated our genuine care for our people. 

 I am proud to see our actions consistently align with our principles, reaffirming the strength of our O&L persona, and highlighting the importance of stakeholder management in achieving sustainable business growth. 

A collaborative achievement 

The cooperation and understanding shown by our employees throughout this process have been nothing short of exemplary. It is a clear indication that when we communicate openly and honestly about the state of our business, we can manoeuvre through even the most trying circumstances. 

Our employees have demonstrated incredible resilience, and their ability to adapt and innovate has been crucial in helping us remain standing during these times. This collective effort underscores the power of unity and shared purpose within our organisation. 

Enhancing financial stability and employee satisfaction 

One of the primary objectives of our wage negotiations was to ensure that our compensation strategies align with our Vision 2029 goals. By structuring these agreements in a manner that supports achieving our 2029 EBIT target, we are laying a solid foundation for the long-term financial health and growth of O&L. 

However, financial stability is only one aspect of our vision. 

Equally important is our commitment to being recognised as a top global employer, striving to achieve a Great Place to Work (GPTW) Global Top 10 ranking. 

Ensuring fair and competitive wages is a critical component of this goal, reflecting our dedication to creating a work environment where our employees feel valued and motivated. 

Acknowledging the role of our stakeholders 

In addition to our employees, I would like to extend my gratitude to our partners and stakeholders who have stood alongside us throughout this journey. Their continued support and collaboration have been instrumental in ensuring that we remain accountable to our people. Effective stakeholder management is a cornerstone of sustainable business practices. By engaging with relevant stakeholders – be it through worker councils, unions, such as Namibia Food and Allied Workers Union or other partners – we have fostered an environment of trust and transparency. This approach not only enhances our company’s reputation but also strengthens our relationships with those who are essential to our success. 

Looking ahead

As we move forward, our focus will remain on monitoring and assessing the impact of the new wage agreements on both company performance and employee satisfaction. Our commitment to Vision 2029 is unwavering and we will continue to prioritise the well-being of our employees while driving towards our strategic goals. 

The journey ahead will undoubtedly present further challenges. But I am confident that, together with our employees and stakeholders, we will continue to build a sustainable and prosperous future. 

In conclusion, the successful wage negotiations are a significant milestone in our journey to Vision 2029. It reflects our dedication to our people, our ideals and our future. 

By taking care of our employees in a disciplined, transparent and honest manner, we are not only ensuring their satisfaction, but also enhancing the overall perception of O&L as a sustainable and reputable business. 

Our employees are at the heart of what we do, and it is through their strength and determination that we continue to thrive. 

*Sven Thieme is executive chairman of the Ohlthaver & List Group, which is the largest private company in Namibia.