
Let’s React Positively on the Good Things That Have Happened

Home Archived Let’s React Positively on the Good Things That Have Happened

The year 2006 is now something of the past and we are at the beginning of a new year. What happened during the past year is known to us and can be judged accordingly, while the future is unknown and therefore is also unpredictable. I could have used this opportunity to express serious criticism regarding all the mistakes that were made during 2006, but I would rather, on behalf of the Republican Party of Namibia, react positively on the good things that have happened – those things for which we can be grateful. Every loyal and patriotic Namibian will, without any doubt, agree with me when I say that we are privileged to live and work in a country where, contrary to so many other countries in the world, we experience peace and harmony and are not subjected to an armed struggle. We have a democratic constitution, which has as yet not been tampered with by the government. According to any standard, our infrastructure, on which economic development is so dependent, is well developed and well maintained, and if one looks at the numerous new businesses opening up in some of our smaller towns, the modern shopping complexes, office buildings and houses being developed in Windhoek, then it must be obvious that it is going well with the economy, especially the small and medium enterprises. Our roads are full of new and luxury vehicles and at the shopping centres we see the hustle and bustle of shoppers with trolleys that are loaded. The agricultural sector also experienced a good year with most of the regions having received good rains, while the prices farmers got for their meat and livestock were good. We are all aware that we also had serious problems, some of them extremely serious, but if I take everything into account, then I can hardly imagine a country where I would rather live than in Namibia. The problems that exist can be solved, and that is the challenge I see for 2007. It is important for all political leaders to sit together to find solutions to the problems rather than criticize to score political points. We have to find solutions to the problems because we owe it to the inhabitants of our country who voted for us with the hope that we will do something about the unemployment and poverty problem. Our responsibility, after all, is to ensure that every Namibian will, sooner rather than later, taste the sweetness of our independence. It is, however, of utmost importance that the government will have to create an atmosphere in which every patriotic Namibian will be able to become part of the solution rather than remain part of the problem. My wish and that of the Republican Party is for our President, Mr Pohamba, the government, political leaders and all Namibians to be blessed with wisdom and guidance from our Heavenly Father in order to manage our affairs in a proficient and responsible manner, to the benefit of all Namibians. Thanks to all those from outside Namibia who are helping us to build and improve our beautiful country. May the year 2007 meet with all our expectations and let us never forget that we have a Father for whom everything is possible. Let us therefore rely totally on Him for wisdom and guidance in order for us to make a success of all our projects. God has entrusted this beautiful country to its people and its natural resources to us to manage and preserve properly. Let us treat one another, as well as our country, in such a way that it will be obvious that we are prepared to accept the responsibility to look after His creation to the best of our ability. H.F. Mudge President of the Republican Party of Namibia