Author: Ndapanda Haininga (Ndapanda Haininga )

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Ndapanda’s travel – Fashion while travelling

Ndapanda’s travel – Fashion while travelling

Here is a thing I learned only about a year into my journey as a content creator.  Finally referring to myself as a creative – I am somewhat fashionable.  Adding the word ‘somewhat’ may appear to be an attempt at humility in this case, but it is a safety net I almost always set for...

Goodbye 2022, hello 2023!

Goodbye 2022, hello 2023!

2022 is pretty much over, can you imagine? It is perhaps just me, but this year did not last as long as I would have liked it to. I feel like I blinked in May and woke up at the very end of November.

Ndapanda Travels – Save now, travel later 

Ndapanda Travels – Save now, travel later 

Our beloved travel season is once again upon us. If not back home, the bulk of us will be taking our much-deserved vacation after a long year of hard work. Now, many of us would have pre-planned this vacation: our flights would have been booked and paid for months in advance, accommodation chosen and bills settled, we may even have put some fun budget money away so we do not have to tap into the D