“Blindfolded” exhibition has a strong message

Home Time Out “Blindfolded” exhibition has a strong message


Viewing the 12th solo exhibition of talented visual artist, Barbara Pirron, currently on display at the Goethe Centre Auditorium titled Blindfolded, one can really see the message, through the art that the exhibition is giving out.

The point of focus in Pirron’s paintings is her special reference to identity and psychic trauma while creating scope for the broadest interpretation. The artist uses the metaphor of “eyes covered by a blindfold”, which could be understood in a many-layered emotional context. As one of the senses, the ability to see on this exhibition has been temporarily suspended and the exhibition will leave many questions and doubts when one ask if other body senses do get stronger if the sight is lost?

The exhibition could be understood in many-layered emotional context such as not being able to see, to wanting to see, to ignore reality, ignorance or consciously looking away. The exhibition portrays 20untitled small pieces drawn from different angles. The observers are challenged to reflect on their own empirical value as well as the relevance to a local and global context of current affairs.

Pirron is a Windhoek-based visual artist who have certificate in Fine Arts from the University of Namibia (Unam) and a Degree in Fine Arts from the University of South Africa, Pretoria. Since 1985 she has had many group exhibitions in France, Germany, Italy, Southern African Development Community (SADC)), the United Kingdom, United States and has participated in 11 Standard Bank Namibia Biennales and Bank Windhoek Triennales at the National Art Gallery of Namibia (NAGN), where she has also had solo exhibitions. Her works are present in many public collections in Namibia and she has received numerous awards since 1985.