
DDR releases Mandela song

Home Archived DDR releases Mandela song

By Pinehas Nakaziko


WINDHOEK-Deal Done Records (DDR)  has released a song for the first South African black president, the late Nelson Mandela.

The song is titled Mandela. Antonio Dragan, owner of DDR says the idea of the song came after they received shocking news on last Friday morning that Mandela was no more.  “We wanted to show our appreciation to what Mandela has done to our country, and to the rest of the world. We felt it was more than important to release such a song through our music. That’s the only better way, people can remember him for a long period of time through this song,” he says.


The song has been composed by different artists such as Big Ben, Famaz Attack, Mushe, Freeda, Berthold, Fishman, Floritha and M-Jay.

M-jay produced the song. Antonio says it was an obligation for Namibian artists to team up and do something for the hero. “When I heard the news first, I called different artists and notified them about my plan. All of them agreed instantly. We met up and didn’t waste any time, the song was done,” he says. Freeda is the one who did the chorus and all the artists have their own verse on the song. The song is currently airing on all radio stations in Namibia and people are requesting it nonstop. Antonio is planning to send the song to South Africa by next week.