
Don’t fall for swindlers this Valentine’s Day

Home Business Don’t fall for swindlers this Valentine’s Day
Don’t fall for swindlers this Valentine’s Day

As people celebrate Valentine’s Day today and shows like Tinder Swindler trend, First National Bank (FNB) Namibia would like to remind the public that online safety is paramount to protect self and one’s cash. 

“Dating and romance scams happen when victims are deceived into false relationships by fraudsters who aim to steal their money or personal information. Romance fraud is typically carried out by criminals using fake profiles,” warned Elzita Beukes, FNB Communications Manager. 

“Fraudsters play on emotional triggers to scam people out of their hard-earned cash. Dating and romance scammers often lower your defences by appealing to your compassionate side in order to take advantage of you. This is particularly prevalent around Valentine’s Day.”

Some of the tips given are that people should be careful when communicating with potential romantic interests on dating websites. Three tips to avoid being scammed were emphasised and are listed below:

Do not share personal details – If you share personal information like your full name, date of birth and home address with a stranger, fraudsters can steal your information and use it illegally by impersonating you.

Help and favours – Be on high alert when asked for special financial favours or urgent assistance by strangers. No matter how caring or persistent the individuals may seem, never share your banking details, PINs, OTPs or passwords with strangers. Think twice before sending money to someone you recently met online or have not met in person yet. 

Potential Money Laundering: – Do not allow your account to be used by another person to deposit or transact on it as it could be used to launder proceeds of crime. This is a criminal offence whether done knowingly or unknowingly.

“Remember to always trust your instincts – If you feel like something is wrong, it may be. Be careful and stay safe online,” Beukes added.