
‘Finding my calling in sport boosted my confidence as a child

Home National ‘Finding my calling in sport boosted my confidence as a child

WINDHOEK – Down to earth and a go-getter, Tatenda Audrey Chanakira (25) says she was lucky to find a calling in sport, and playing soccer boosted her confidence as a child.

She says growing up, she was a very reserved kid who did not speak a lot, which affected her childhood. She says it became worse when she experienced bullying, and being mocked by other children during her primary education. “Finding my calling in sport helped me to be a strong individual. Playing soccer made me popular at my young age, and that is the time the bullying ended. I really feel like sport brought out the best of me because I was a very skillful player,” says Chanakira. 

Born in Harare, Zimbabwe, and now based in Namibia, Chanakira also developed interest in computers at a very young age and started playing video games like FIFA, which also gave her some experience on how to operate computers. “As time went on, I found out that I would never struggle with computers, so that’s when I decided to pursue a career in Computer Science,” she says. This also led her into a career in Information Technology (IT). Currently, she is a Junior Software Developer, specialising in iPhone OS application development at the Green Enterprise Solutions, a company that develops IT solutions in the country.

One of her achievements with the company was when they showcased their mobile apps at this year’s fifth Information Communication Technology (ICT) Summit in Windhoek, including the popular City Connect app. Chanakira says she never imagined herself being into IT, but originally wanted to be a lawyer. All came to the limelight when she was also being boosted by Green where she ended up choosing IT as a career. “Green has helped me through a three-month internship training programme, as well as Microsoft based courses.”

In the next five years, Chanakira sees herself being a highly skilled iPhone OS developer and an expert. “I also want to be looked at as someone who will be a great influence to young people through community based programmes.”
Chanakira is currently a final year student at the University of Namibia (Unam) studying for a Bachelor Degree in IT. She also did Computer Science at the Polytechnic of Harare.

“When I look back in the days when I used to play street soccer with my childhood friends, we used to talk about our dreams and what we want to be or become. Later on as we all grew up, I saw some of my peers giving up on their dreams and doing stuff like drug abuse, robbing people and eloping. It saddened me and that’s where my motivation was birthed, that is, to keep on hanging on to my dream no matter what the situation, so that I can be a practical example to my peers that faith and discipline can lead you to have a successful life.”