THANKS for the space afforded to me to air my views regarding a topic that made the cover page of Friday 25 November 2005’s New Era, “Opuwo Unsuitable Capital.” After reading that story I took 30 minutes or so to contemplate the points that according to the interviewed observers disqualify Opuwo to be the regional capital of Kunene Region and I was not convinced. I would like to start off with the New Era reporter (Engel Nawatiseb) – I fail to comprehend the motive behind his visit to Opuwo. Did he come to find out about the suitability of the town for the status of a regional capital which to me would have entailed the aspect of looking at both positive and negative things that contribute to development or hinder development or did he simply come for the latter. How come that all the so-called observers (who opted not to be identified) had only negative information to provide while there are positive things in existence and others are still under construction and once complete they will facilitate development in the town and the region as a whole. It appears to me that this reporter was called in by his cronies who are working in Opuwo but who hail from our sister constituencies in the region and who would have wanted the regional capital to be in their constituencies. This reporter was called in with the sole aim of assisting his cronies to tarnish the status and image of the regional capital of Kunene. I found this report very biased and would like the Manager: Editorial Services of New Era to clear me on this one. The points raised were the following: 1. The absence of service providers is hampering development in the town and the region as a whole – now my question is which of the other towns in the region are well endowed with the tools and infrastructure to help the Government implement programmes and projects in the region and to what extent are they in a better position? I don’t believe there is any except the fact that some of our sister constituencies are located closer to bigger towns like Otjiwarongo and we cannot run a region in another region – it will be tantamount to doing away with decentralization. 2. Management cadres not staying because their wives and children cannot find nice jobs and schools. This is a common phenomenon in most of the regions except a few like Khomas, Erongo, etc. Management cadres will also encounter these problems in Caprivi, Kavango, Ohangwena, Omusati just like they do in Kunene. To say you want to scrap the regional capital status from Opuwo on that basis, you’d better think again. 3. Farm status vs regional capital: I wonder if these so-called observers of the New Era reporter have ever travelled to other regional capitals in the country if not to any towns in Africa to come to the conclusion that finding a goat or cattle crossing the road was only prevalent in Opuwo. 4. The establishment of the Ministry of Labour Regional Office is a joke to them as there are no work related disputes in Opuwo compared to Outjo where farm workers are constantly at loggerheads with their employers. I had to read this one twice to make double sure the office in reference was indeed the Labour Regional Office but not NAFWU, for I know a regional labour office would cater for all types of labour aspects be it in governmental or private institutions but not necessarily farm related labour only. And interestingly this appears like a contradiction with the first one – on the one hand a person complains about the absence of service providers and yet on the other shuns service providers. 5. Unrealistic telecommunication network: Hiccups in telecommunication networks do occur but only sporadically like in many other towns, not to the extent that it should cause the status of the town as a regional capital to be reconsidered. In fact, telecommunication is one of the major developments that we can proudly brag about at the town. 6. Delays in mail: This is inevitable as the town like many others is remote from the Central Government and other towns but it will be something of the past in 2-3 years’ time when the tarred road is completed between the town and Kamanjab. In conclusion I would like to continue thanking the Government of Namibia for having chosen Opuwo as the capital of Kunene Region and for the rapid development that is taking place in our town and the entire region. To the fellow residents of Kunene Region, let us move from the stage where we are to the next stage instead of dismantling it and starting all over. Merry X-mas and a happy New Year. Uerivangera Tjivikua Box 201 Opuwo
2005-12-052024-04-18By Staff Reporter