Clemans Miyanicwe
KHORIXAS – About 50 unhappy youths and even some traditional leaders descended on Khorixas district hospital on Wednesday morning after locals were allegedly sidelined from the vacant post of a driver.
The position was apparently given to someone from outside the region to the chagrin of local residents who on Wednesday protested over what they allege is a clear case of nepotism and favouritism.
Requirements for the driver’s post were a Grade 10 with a minimum symbol of D in English, being able to write and read English and have a C1 driver’s licence.
“We are unhappy over employment opportunities being denied locals at the Khorixas district hospital. Locals are always left out during the appointment since Helena Hwepo was appointed as the chief administrative officer at the hospital,” fumed one #Nauseb during an interview with New Era.
#Nauseb said that every time positions are vacant locals are left out and those who are usually employed stay in Khorixas for a few months after which they are transferred to their hometowns.
“Must the youths be members of a certain ethnic group to be qualified for employment opportunities at Khorixas hospital?’’ asked #Nauseb.
A community activist at the town Katrina Garas called upon the relevant authorities to freeze the position so that it be re-advertised and the recruitment be done fairly.
“There are local youths with a driver’s licence and the needed grades – why then consider outsiders while we have people from our area who are capable,” questioned Garas, adding that parents are fed up with the ongoing job discrimination and they want their children to be employed so that they contribute to the local economy, unlike those who use Khorixas as a career springboard.
“When will this sidelining of locals stop?” she further protested.
One youth who asked that his name be withheld and was wearing worn-out slippers held together by a piece of wire said, “Look at my shoes, until when must I live like this? And if frustrated youth resort to alcohol and drugs, it then becomes an issue!”
Some police officers were seen loading guns at the scene while others stood nearby the protesters. Khorixas police chief Inspector Ipinge and some other police officers met the concerned group near the hospital mortuary and instructed them to disperse and that they should follow the right procedures. Ipinge also informed the group that only about three of them must go to Khorixas constituency office to meet Elias Xoagub, the Khorixas constituency councillor. At a one stage Ipinge grabbed the mobile phone of this reporter and asked him not to take pictures of the group as “incorrect information” might be disseminated and the police also forbid others at the scene to take photos.
Kunene health director Thomas Shapumba could not be contacted on his mobile phone as several calls went unanswered. Secretary for the interview panel, one S. Kamati, said the post was external and it was open for all Namibian citizens. Kamati also said more than 100 applications were received from Khorixas residents.