
Geingob hails Matekane’s election

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Geingob hails Matekane’s election

President Hage Geingob, in his capacity as the outgoing chair of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, has congratulated Sam Matekane on his election as Lesotho’s prime minister following the successful formation of a coalition government after the peaceful general assembly elections.

In a media statement yesterday, Geingob said he is pleased to note that the peaceful election, which took place in the Kingdom of Lesotho are a clearer testimony of respect for democratic election through established legal procedures and processes in the country, including SADC guidelines.

“I commend his majesty King Letsie III, political parties and all the stakeholders for advancing the interests of the Basotho nation. I also wish to thank in the same vein, honourable Frans Kapofi and the executive secretary of SADC, Elias Magosi for helming the work of the SADC Electoral Observation Mission in Lesotho,” he said. 

Lesotho will be governed by a coalition made up of Revolution for Prosperity (RFP), the Alliance of Democrats (AD) and the Movement for Economic Change (MEC). The RFP, led by Matekane (64), one of Lesotho’s wealthiest businessmen, failed to secure the 61 seats needed for an outright majority after Friday 7 October’s election.

“On behalf of the government of the Republic of Namibia and the Southern African Development Community Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, of which I am the chair, I wish to extend to King Letsie III, the government and the people of the Kingdom of Lesotho, fraternal and warm congratulations on their election of a new government and a new prime minister, his excellency Sam Ntsokoane Matekane following the elections.” 

He said on 10 October 2022, the SADC Electoral Observation Mission in Lesotho, which was constituted by the SADC Organ Troika, described in its preliminary statement the elections as having been “conducted in a peaceful environment”, allowing for orderly voting without any major incidents reported in the areas of observation.

Geingob said consistent with their processes, systems and institutions, the people of Lesotho have commendably expressed their sovereign will through the ballot box by electing leaders who will lead the nation towards greater stability and economic heights.

 “I look forward to working closely with prime minister elect Matekane to strengthen our bilateral cooperation as well as advance our regional development agenda, in order to uplift the living standards of our people and countries,” Geingob said.

He wished Matekane good health, wisdom, and strength to consolidate peace, stability and socio-economic development in the Kingdom of Lesotho.

Geingob has been invited by King Letsie III, to attend the inauguration ceremony, which will be held in Maseru, Lesotho capital on Friday. He is expected to return on the same day.