
Geingob tells Namibians not to forget sacrifice made by many

Home National Geingob tells Namibians not to forget sacrifice made by many

John Muyamba

NKURENKURU – President Hage Geingob says we should not lose sight of the reasons for which so many Namibians sacrificed their lives. Geingob made the remarks during the Heroes Day commemoration held at Nkurenkuru on Sunday.

“Namibia. The land we all call home, the land of the brave sons and daughters whose blood waters our freedom. We should not lose sight of the reasons for which so many Namibians sacrificed their lives. It was about Unity, Liberty and Justice. Five days ago, I had a one-hour interaction at State House with learners from Ndama Combined School in Rundu. I reminded them that they have a crucial role to play in nation-building. I told them that they should be proud of their origins and cultures – but should not believe that their tribe or ethnic group is superior.”  “All of us should become nation-builders. We should not stoke the fires of tribalism and division to remain relevant. It is a recipe for disaster,” he said.The president  further noted that the country’s independence came at a high cost, and that we should never devalue it by taking it for granted.

“As our Founding Father and Leader of the Namibian Revolution said – we are and will always remain indebted to those gallant sons and daughters of the Namibian people, who paid with their lives so that our nation could regain its dignity, peace and democratic liberties. We also remain committed to their dream by creating a peace-loving and progressive state resolute in its commitment to provide its citizens with the opportunity to realise their full potential.” he said.

Heroes Day in Nkurenkuru was attended by Namibians from different corners of the country, including foreign dignitaries. “The heroes and heroines that we honour today came from all walks of life and from all regions of our motherland. But they all shared one great character trait. A strong desire to transform their feelings or compassion for their fellow countrymen and women into heroic action,” he said.

The Head of State continued that while there are those who wavered, our heroes and heroines did not waver. They entered the proverbial “belly of the beast” in order to do battle against the tyranny of colonialism and Apartheid brutality. “They did so voluntarily in service to their countrymen and women. They did so at a great risk to their physical comfort and quality of life. And they did so without the expectation of material gain. This is what defines the heroes and heroines of Namibia,” he noted. “Our heroes and heroines whose memory we honour today understood the need for resistance and struggle.”