Ghost rider …

Home National Ghost rider …

The driver of this black Jeep Cherokee fled the scene after a horrific crash on Friday night with a 16-seater Toyota minibus on the corner of Metje Street and Nelson Mandela Avenue. One passenger in the minibus was seriously injured after the minibus overturned from the force of the collision after the driver of the Jeep allegedly jumped a red traffic light at about 20:15. No identification of the Jeep was to be seen anywhere as the car did not carry any number plates nor a licence disc on the windscreen. While hundreds of Klein Windhoek residents arrived on the scene, police started dusting the Jeep’s interior for fingerprints, saying the owner of the car would be traced by the engine and vehicle identification number. The Jeep’s airbags deployed during the collision and saved the driver’s life. It could not be established if the Jeep carried any passengers.