
Govt continues to build capacity at local, regional authorities

Home National Govt continues to build capacity at local, regional authorities
Govt continues to build capacity at local, regional authorities

OKAHAO – The central government has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting developmental initiatives by and through regional and local authority councils. Urban and rural development minister Erastus Uutoni made this remark at the commemoration of the Africa Day of Decentralisation, Local Governance and Local Development that was held at Okahao in Omusati region last Thursday.

This year’s commemoration was done under the theme, ‘The Contribution of African Subnational and Local Governments in the Making of the African Continental Free Trade Area’. “One of the instruments that we are using to harness the economic potentials of regions and local authorities is our Regional and Local Economic Development (LED) White Paper of 2011, which we are reviewing in order to ensure its continued relevance,” said Uutoni.

He added that through their LED programme, they will continue supporting and building the capacity of their regional and local governments to develop and implement effective regional and local economic development strategies, as well as initiatives to attract and retain investment and business, which are important sources and catalysts for employment and wealth creation as well as economic growth and development. Deputy director of urban and rural development Lahja Hipondoka said during the Public Private Dialogue (PPD) engagements conducted at local levels countrywide, evidence had shown that in a few towns, where PPDs are institutionalised, the business environment had been improved to be responsive to the private sector needs. “The principal objective of these dialogues is to bring about transparency, good governance, mutual trust and create an open channel of communication, aimed at fostering collaboration among local authorities, public and private sectors representatives, as well as civil society organisations. Okahao mayor Cornelia Iiyambula said their town continues to grow day by day.

“Last week, we opened many retailers. This is decentralisation that is not only coming from the private sector side but also from our neighbouring countries for the benefit of our people in terms of job creation, product choices and opportunity costs from these trading activities,” she said.

– vkaapanda@nepc.com.na